Chapter 2

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Characters all rights go to Suzanne Collins, Thank you!

Katniss POV

I stare at Gale as I enter the room. He watches me as I sit down. Knots tie in my stomach and I feel as if I could pass out. I take a deep breath and I look at Gale waiting for him to speak first.

"So how'd it go?" He asks

I relax and let out a puff of air.

"It went better than I thought actually, He knew we were together and he said he was happy for me."

"That's good." He says and his face relaxes

"I missed you." He says softly

I smile "I missed you too"

I scoot closer to him and lean forward so my lips touch his. I feel heat and lust began to rise, and feel hunger build up inside me. We Passionately kiss, I break away for second to catch my breath and so does he. I push him back on the couch and fumble with his shirt trying to take it off of him. He helps me take it off and he helps me with my shirt. I blush when he stares at my bra, and I start feeling self conscious. He notices.

"You look beautiful." He says and kisses my collarbone.

"And you look handsome." I say smiling

I always feel self conscious when I'm naked or half naked in front of him. We haven't actually 'done it', we've only kissed. He doesn't push me because he knows I'm not ready for that type of commitment yet, but at the same time I am ready. I guess I always chicken out.
He fumbles with my bra trying open the clasps. I help him knowing it will take forever for him to figure out. Once my bra is off my face turns beet red. He smiles.

"Katniss there is nothing wrong with your breasts. You're beautiful just the way you are." He says while rubbing my arm.

"Thank you, but how is this beautiful? My breasts are small, I'm full of scars, and I'm underweight." I say feeling super self conscious.

"Kat there is nothing wrong with your body, scars and all." He says

He presses a kiss to my forehead and I relax. I lean forward and start kissing him. Our mouths move in sync and the heat builds up again. Small moans escape are mouths and I'm about to tell him I want to 'do it', but a knock on the door ruins my plans.
We both freeze and look at each other. I get off of him and we both run around like crazy people. I toss him his shirt and he tosses mine, I don't even bother with putting my bra on. Whoever's at the door knocks again, and I run to go open it. I start getting angry and mad with who's at the door, they better have a good explanation for interrupting us.
I open the door and there stands no other than Haymitch. I let out a big sigh.

"What took so long sweetheart?" He asks

"We were um busy." I say kinda angry

He looks over at Gale and looks him up and down, and of course his hair is messed up.

"Look like you were more than just busy." He says while chuckling.

"Haymitch what do want?" I say rudely

"Easy sweetheart, I just wanted to stop by." He says

I sigh and groan, of course that's his genius reason.

"Well thanks, anything else?" I say getting more angry, I swear he's like trying to piss me off.

"Mmm, actually yes. When can I come over for dinner?" He says sweetly.

"I don't know, we don't invite you Haymitch, you always barge in and just join. Why are you asking now?" I say getting annoyed

"Well I feel rude everytime I 'barge' in, and I want to ask this time." He says while smiling.

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