Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Suzanne collins.

Katniss POV

When we reached District 7; Cressida said she had to go somewhere. So she left. She told me we would meet up later after she finished the first part of her project. And with that I try to get information to where Johanna lives. I asked a few locals and they gave me her address. Of course they know where she lives. She's the me of District 7. Any remaining Victor's don't get any privacy, obviously. Their business is Panem's. I thank them and head to her house. Boy am I going to get an earful. District 7 looks so nicer since the last time I visited. It isn't riddled with as many wood factories anymore. There's' still plenty of trees don't get me wrong. It just looks cleaner and more lively. I admire how green it is the most. Since it's my favorite color. I reach her house and knock on the door. It opens a minute later and Johanna let's out a exaggerated gasp.

"K-Katniss?" She asked in disbelief.

I smiled. "That's me." I said and smirked.

Her mouth is gaped open, and she tried to form words.

I stand there awkwardly.

"Are you going to stand there gawking or let me in?" I asked her and she snapped out of it.

"Right- Sorry. Katniss how did you find me?" She asked still in shock.

I chuckled. "You're not that hard to find. Plus locals gave me your address."

She laughed a little.

"Those bastards." She said jokingly.

I let out a laugh.

She then looked behind me as is she was looking for someone.

"I'm assuming you came alone." She said a little softly.

I nodded. "Not entirely, but that's beside the point."

She shrugged her shoulders a little, and waved me inside.

I followed her and we sat on her couch.

"Is everything alright? You came with out warning." She asked.

I take a deep breath and let it out.

"Its a long story, trust me. But I came here because of a scary phone call." I told her.

She furrowed her brows. "What was the call about?"

I sighed and chose my words carefully.

"Me. They want me dead. Threatened my family and friends too. They said they were coming to District 12 to find me; kill me." I told her and she gasped.

"Who..... who's they?" She asked a little wary.

"I can't tell you that." I told her truthfully.

"So you just left? Let your family defend for themselves?" She asked trying to put the puzzle together.

Her words pierced right threw my skin. Now that she's said it, I look bad now.

"Not exactly. I think, but they said once they found me they would kill them too. So as long as I'm missing their safe." I told her trying to make sense.

She scoffs. "Yeah, that's what you think. What if they torture them for answers? You would just let that happen?" She asked.

My eyes got big. "I never thought of it that way. It happended so fast." I told her worriedly.

I groan and bury my head in my hands.

"And why come to me? After nearly 2 years, without a word said since the war?!" She asked a little angrily.

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