Chapter 10

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters! All rights go to Suzanne Collins.*

Katniss's POV

"What?" Gale says as I hang up the phone.

I start panicking and I start making weird weezing sounds.

"I have to get out of here." I say tears leaving my eyes.

Gale grabs my arm. "Katniss, please talk to me." He says on the bridge of tears.

I shake my head and pull my arm away, and start running out the door.

Once I'm out the door I run for I don't know how long, but people start giving me weird stares and point at me. I think I heard Gale yelling my name, but I'm so scared I can't even function. I start breaking out in terrible sweats and my knees began to hurt, but I keep on pushing. I have to get out of here. I have to leave. I don't care where I go, but I just have to get out of this place. As I'm running I turn my head to see behind me, and as soon as I do that I run right smack into someone.

"What the hell! What is your problem crazy lady- Katniss?" Haymitch says while trying to to get off the ground, while rubbing his forehead.

I role over and weeze. My ribs are killing me! I take deep and easy breaths to try and calm myself.

"Katniss, are you alright? Jeez sweetheart, watch where you're running next time." Haymitch says with a small laugh.

I sit up still weezing and look at him. He gasps, either I look terrible or I look scared. Both probably.

People start crowding around me and Haymitch. But I immediately stand up and shove them out of my way and start running away again, completely ignoring Haymitch.

"Sweatheart! What the hell?" I hear Haymitch yell as I'm speeding away.

I ignore him and I don't even feel bad about it, but I just keep running. Where I'm going? I have not a clue.

I must have eventually hit the district limit because I see plain road ahead. But I don't stop. I feel like I'm going to pass out and die. My ribs hurt like hell! My heart is racing a mile a second. I feel like my heart is going to burst! But do I keep going? You betcha. I feel like I'm going to regret this later, but what's the point that phone call was worth running away. I feel childish now. Gale's probably worried, Haymitch too. Heck Finnick and Peeta will be too. I have a feeling Gale will ask them for help. They will probably be my search party. But right now I don't care about anything, but getting away from District 12 as far as possible. Ugh, my emotions are to weird right now! I'm regretting this one second and the next I'm confident about it. What am I going to do?

Eventually I run straight into District 11. I'm so exhausted I have to stop. I literally just collapse in the middle of the road. I feel sick and dizzy, like I'm going to throw up or something. Suddenly everything goes silent and I'm pulled under into a deep slumber.

Gale's POV

We've been searching for hours; Haymitch, Peeta, Finnick, and me. And there's still no sign of her. Why was she so scared and panicked by that phone call? Who was on the other line that made her so scared? I have several options in my head, but they don't seem that likely to freak her out that much. I don't think? I'm completely confused now.

"Snap out of it boy. Standing there won't find her any quicker." Haymitch says irritated.

I blink a few times collecting my thoughts. "Sorry." I say worriedly.

Haymitch puts his hand on the upper part of my back, and pats me lightly.

"We'll find her." He says.

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