Chapter 7

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Suzanne Collins.*

Peeta's POV

As soon as I said yes everyone cheers. I wrap my arm around Finnick and I turn to face everyone. I see all the happy faces, Effie starts crying and everyone crowds us.

"Let's pop that champagne bottle, I could use a drink." Haymitch tells me.

I roll my eyes."You always need a drink Haymitch." I say

"You got that damn right." He says and stumbles a little.

Finnick whispers in my ear "I think he's already drunk." Finnick says

I laugh "Already? The party just started." I tell him.

He laughs.

"Haymitch! You drank one of the champagne bottles! I told you to leave it alone!" Katniss yells at Haymitch.

Finnick and I laugh.

Haymitch snickers "You know me sweetheart." He says

She rolls her eyes "Haymitch you're going to die one day because of kidney failure, you should really quit drinking!" She says angry.

He laughs and he starts pointing at Me, Finnick, Katniss, and Gale.

"Not until one of you kids have one of your own." He says

We all look at each other.

"Now that would really give me something to live for." He says and laughs a little.

I look at Finnick and he looks at me.

"We should." I say

"Peeta..." He says and his voice trails.

"Come on, would a baby be so bad?" I ask

He sighs "It's not that, it's just isn't it a little early? I mean we did just get engaged." He says with a laugh, and I mange a smile.

Effie comes over and starts squealing at us.

"Oh my gosh! You two would make amazing parents! You should totally adopt!" She says and claps her hands.

"See, even Effie likes the idea." I say

He rolls his eyes "Effie likes everything." He mumbles sorta quietly.

Effie huffs at him and walks away.

"Aww, you made her mad." I tell him.

"Oh hush." He says and we laugh.

Katniss starts playing music and everyone dances.

My coworkers from the Bakery come and greet me.

"Hey Baker buns." Riker says and gives me a friendly slap on the back.

I roll my eyes. "Hey Riker." I say

"Aww my little Peeta bread is engaged!" Pike exclaims

"Yeah yeah." I say to Pike

I roll my eyes and Finnick laughs at me. We talk for a bit and when the  twins walk away I give Finnick a weird look.

"Their amusing." He tells me.

I roll my eyes "And annoying." I say

Finnick laughs at me.

"Their nickname's for you are cute." He says

I scowl. "Really? Baker buns and Peeta bread?" I ask

He shrugs "I think Peetie sounds better though." He tells me and ruffles my hair.

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