Chapter 9

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Suzanne Collins.*

Gale's POV

I have no idea what happened to Peeta, but he looks terrible. He looks as he either got beat up or torn by wolves. I start helping Katniss by carrying him to the couch. I carefully lay him down, and not even a second later Katniss comes in with a medical kit and towels.

"Here, put pressure on his arm, its bleeding badly." She tells me.

I nod and do as I'm told

I thought he was unconscious, but the occasional moan tells me otherwise.

"Peeta?" I ask.

He whines in response.

Katniss pulls out a syringe and my eyes get wide.

"Whoah, what is that?" I ask worriedly.

"Its morphine. Hold him still." She says.

I nod and steady him. I watch her steadly as she carefully injects the medicine in him. Peeta moans in pain. I look up at Katniss and her face is in full concentration. She's in doctor mode; face relaxed, steady hands, and nothing else but the patient matters. I smile as a thought enters my mind.

"And you said you didn't have your mother's gene's." I say with a smile.

She looks up at me for second still working on Peeta.

"I don't, I have and always will my father's gene's." She says a little irritated.

I chuckle "That's what you think." I say and she scowls.

She rolls her eyes "What do you want me to do? Let him bleed out and die?" She asks me harshly.

"Easy Catnip. I wasn't trying to insult you." I say calmly.

She huffs "Whatever."

I sigh and watch her work.

"Can you get me the hydrogen peroxide from the hall closet?" She asks.

I nod and stand up.

I walk over the the closest and start looking for the hydrogen peroxide. Once I find it I walk back over to her.

"Here." I say handing her the bottle.

"Thank you." She says while taking it from me.

I nod and lean against the arm of the couch.

I fold my arms across my chest and furrow my brows. Looking at Peeta sends many questions through my mind. Like, Why us and not the hospital?

"Why do you think he came to us and not the hospital?" I ask Katniss quietly.

She's stitching up Peeta's arm and her tounge is sticking out of her mouth in concentration.

She looks up for a second.

"I don't know, but that's a good question. His reason could be anything. We won't know until I fix him, and is some what healed." She says.

I nod and that just sends more questions in my head.

"Wait, do you think Finnick knows? Oh my gosh! What if he's hurt too?!" I say worriedly.

Katniss looks up and stares at me. "Gale..... That's a good question. I don't know that answer either." She says with a shaky voice.

She cuts the extra string off and puts a patch over his arm.

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