Chapter 8

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights go to Suzanne Collins.*

Katniss POV

There's a painful throbbing in my forehead and I squeeze my eyes tighter not wanting to open them. I hear annoying beeping sounds beside me and its making the pain in my forehead pound harder. Where am I? Why does my head hurt? Why do I feel like hell? What happened to me? All those questions flood my mind, but after awhile it hurts to much to think about it. I decide to face the world and see what happened.
I slowly open my eyes and look around. Everything is so blury, I can't decipher anything. I blink my eyes a few times to clear my vision. Blinking helps, but not a lot. I look around the room and it looks so white that its blinding, and makes my head throb. I look to my right and see a blury figure, it looks like a man. He has dark hair and a strong build. I blink my eyes a few more times and eventually my vision clears. Its Gale. He's sleeping in a chair with his arm propped up on a food tray, while his cheek rests in his hand. I smile a little, seeing him makes me feel better. I reach out to wake him, but I stop immediately. My left arm has a cast. At that moment I know exactly where I am. I'm in a hospital. I start panicking and weird beeping noises go off. Gale immediately wakes up.

"Katniss?" He asks.

I want to respond, but its like my brain has taken over and acts for me.

I start ripping the tubes out of my arms and jump off the bed. I look at the couch in the back of the room and see Finnick and Peeta cuddling together fast asleep. I look away and head for the door. Gale grabs my arm and starts pulling me back. He looks panicked.

"Katniss! What are you doing?" He scolds

I start to cry "Please, I don't want to be here!" I yell frantically.

His face softens and he pulls me into a hug "Hey, its ok." He says and kisses my head.

I cry into his shirt and at that exact moment the door opens.

"Mr. Hawthorne, Katniss's monitors went off and then-" The nurse says, but she freezes when she sees me. And like that I bolt out the door.

I run as fast as I can and I ignore Gale's cries for me to comeback. I'm scared and I hate hospitals, I practically have a fear of them now.

Nurses and doctors start reaching and grabbing for me, but I slip away so easily its pathetic. I run down the long hallways and reach an elevator. I quickly push the buttons and when I get in I see them running at me. They almost reach me but the door closes and the elevator starts going down. I was on the 6th floor. When the doors finally open I sprint as fast as I can for the front door. I'm almost there but security stops me. They block the doors and I come to a complete stop. One of them is a man, and he's about 10x my size. I freeze and stare at him.

He raises an eyebrow "Where do you think you're going Ms. Everdeen?" He says calmly.

I stare at him. I'm honestly shocked by his actions, but to my surprise he's probably had worse.

I stutter "Uh- I-um-uhh."

I slowly back away and turn around and there stands a nurse. She quickly injects my neck with something and I scream at her. I feel my body go numb and I can't move a muscle. It's like time stood still, but I can still see everything. The only thing I can move are my eyes, and I can make little noises. 2 other nurses come over and they pick me up and strap me to a gurney. I don't really see the need for straping me down, I mean I'm already immobile.
They wheel me away and enter the staff elevator. When we reach the 6th floor they wheel me back to my room. When we reach the door I read the number, 451. (MJ reference.)
They open the door and wheel me to the bed. Gale rushes over to me.

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