Chapter 3

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, all rights belong to Suzanne Collins. Don't forget to comment below!*

Katniss POV

When I wake up sadness immediately floods me. And I don't know why, but then I remember I forgot to mourn Prim and lay flowers for her. Ugh I'm so angry! How could I forget my little sister? I feel like a huge failure, I failed Prim. Yesterday was supposed to be my day where I lay in bed or the couch and do nothing, but mourn my sister. Yet I didn't do that at all. So instead I decide to make it up to her, and make today my lazy day.
I look beside me and see a still sleeping Gale, usually he is up before me. So I'm puzzled when he's still asleep. I look up at the clock it reads 7:16, he's up by 8. Which means I got up early.
I shake it off and decide to go downstairs to eat something.
I'm not really good at cooking, but breakfast foods are easier for me to make than lunch or dinner. Im not in the mood for anything fancy, so I just grab a box of cornflakes and get the milk from the fridge. I wash myself a bowl and spoon, and while I'm at, I pour Buttercup some food in his dish, and he comes running in from the other room to devour his meal. Looking at Buttercup makes millions of memories flood my mind. He was Prim's cat, and she loved him. Poor cat misses her just as much as I do. Whenever someone says Prim and he hears it, he starts meowing hopefully and looks for her.
I sigh and eat my breakfast. When Im done I grab a huge fluffy blanket and wrap myself in its softness. I curl up in a ball on the couch and the soft blanket make me feel safe. I start my morning by mourning Prim (Ha see what I did there? No? Ok.)

"I miss you, Gale misses you, and even that ugly cat misses you." I say and let thousands of tears spill from my eyes.

"Peeta misses you and even though you probably don't know Finnick very well, he misses you too." I say crying harder.

"Mom misses you." I say while I choke through sobs.

Talking to Prim out loud hurts to much, so I talk to her in my head. I'm about to fall asleep when Gale's loud footsteps echo the house.

"Catnip?" He asks worriedly.

I lift my head and realize he staring at me, but I ignore him.
He frowns, He walks over to me and sits by my feet.

"Go away Gale." I say with a groan.

"No, What's wrong?" He asks

"I was suppose to mourn Prim yesterday, so I'm mourning her today." I say annoyed with him.

"Catnip... Come on you have to move on. I understand you miss her, but you can't live your life like this every year when it comes to that day." He says soothingly

I give a weak smile "You're right, but can I just mourn her since I did nothing to remember her yesterday? I ask rudely.

"Katniss you can do whatever you want, but I'm just telling you acting like this every year isn't going to bring her back." He says

We've all had our losses, I know Gale misses his dad just as much as I miss my dad. But Gale has moved on and I know he takes a moment each year to mourn him, but its not an all day thing like I want to do. I finally get what he means through my thick skull, and I agree.

"You're right, I'm being ridiculous." I say while shaking my head.

He chuckles "I didn't say that, but I'm glad I helped." He says

He stands up and heads to the kitchen. I decide to get up and get dressed, I pick out a simple outfit; Green T-shirt and simple jeans. I walk downstairs to grab my boots and I slip a soft jacket on.

"I'm heading out, I will be back in a few hours." I tell Gale

"Ok, don't be long." He says romantically.

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