chapter 2-wait your what?

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the bus ride was smooth nothing happened other then some people falling out or their seats but nothing else happened

the bus stop when I looked out the window and we were there I couldn't believe it looked like nothing I have never seen before

me and ava walked inside if you saw it out side it was bigger on the inside so ava I said what do you think they do here I asked

I don't know tomas but I have too go get too my group

wait what year are you I asked oh im a junior im just short she said

oh that's cool well ill see you around I guess bye ava bye Thomas she said as she walked away I has too think if I was going to find anybody that's in my year

then I bumped into somebody again but we didn't fall over this time

oh im sorry I said oh it ok he said then he looked right into my eyes

oh hey you have some really pretty eyes he said in a britches accent  

um thanks I guess then he put his hand on my cheek then he started blushing and I was so confused

just so you know he said that he was in the drama club and people are always wanting him too do something new and when he saw me he said that I was what he was looking for

um ok ill see you around I guess I said oh wait he said my names oli he said oh cool my names Thomas  so ill see you around

I walked in the halls for what seemed like hours and what I guess what I had talent when I saw all the people in the halls it seemed like I had nothing

I felt like I was walking in circles trying too find my class once I found it I wasn't sure if I wanted too go in or not

I had found the strength to go in it wasn't as bad is I would have thought it was nice I saw ava so at least I had knew somebody in my class it was all like the first day of school he goes over what we are learning about this year and stuff like that then it was lunch   

I wanted too talk too oli a bit more he was nice

I walked into the café I saw oil hey oil you want too eat lunch together I asked sure he said come on lets watch the baseball team I like the way they swing the bats he said

um cool I guess that good I mean every body has their own opinions I say as we walk too the base ball field

 so what do you have fro lunch today I ask him um some apples and sandwich oh that's cool I said I have some soup a muffin and a note from my dad

that's cute he said hey your pretty cute your self he said what I said laughingly

you know how I said you were cute he said I don't mean it for real I don't go for guys like you

wait oli are you I ask its ok you can say it he said so your gay I ask yep gay as can be he answered um hey I asked so do you like the baseball team I say well yeah he said but not all the team just one guy he said well yeah I knew that I say

um hey I don't mean to interrupt your little "girl talk" but I cant help over hear that you she points at oil are gay she said and just out of things that I know the guy you have a crush on he will be at the bubble tea stand then the library after school and then he goes too the animal shelter to volunteer and we could go there after school to get too know each other a little more

um sure I don't have anything else going on after school I say what about you oli um nothing he said hey let me see your phone oli I say then hold out my hand um ok he gives me his phone  I put my phone number in his phone I have too be home by a time so I probably wont be able too stay too long so you guys will have too tell me how it goes

will do he said the lunch bell rang off to classes I say and run off

(time skip too after school because im lazy and have no ideas)

so how do you know said guy I have a crush on oli said oh what don't I know about him he's my brother oh also he has a crush on you too oli starts too blush then she winks at me I think its funny just so you know oli she said he likes the way you dress he likes that leather jacket you wear he thinks its cute on you and he likes your yellow eyes

well tell him he said I like his purple eyes they suit him very well

will do she said

then we went to the library and spyed on that guy oli has a crush on and oli blush the hole way threw it was so funny

then I got a text from my dad saying that I need to come home then I run home

I get too my street and I see ava

hey ava how's it going I ask she said It was going great I say that's good

so how's your classes going on she asked oh their going great for a first day I guess I say

then we walk our different ways to my surprise we were neighbors when I walked into my room my room was directly  next to hers I walk to my window wave goodbye and close my contents

then walk too my bed and fall asleep 


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