school trip pt2

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i got too school a little early so i could make sure i have time to get ready

then everybody came and stated talking

"everyone" Mr Andrews said

"im glad you could all make it"Mr Andrews said

then a bus drove behind Mr Andrews

"now lets get on the bus"Mr Andrews said

i was the last one too get on the bus 

so i was walking too find a seat

Ava was sitting alone

so i sat next too her

we didn't talk 

when everyone got off the bus

we where at the beach

emerald bay beach

they have there own high school

(hint hint)

and we were staying there for a few days

"everyone you have a few hours before the hunt so just relax and have fun"Mr Andrews said

so everyone kind split off into there own little area

me and ava sat together and i made a sand castle

then oli came over wearing a...


"oh god oli what are you wearing" i said

"a bathing suit" he said

"thats not a bathing suit thats underwear" ava said

"well either way were on a team now" oli said

"team for what" i say

"the hunt" oli said

"why would we need too do that me and ava both have straight A's" i say

"welp were still doing it" oli said

then he kicked my sand castle and sat down on the sand and starting building his own sand castle

-time skip


"oh cool" she said

then we did the hunt and it was really fun

we didn't get first place but thats ok

and on the beach i found a sand dollar and a new pair of sun glasses

i had put my camera in my bag so i took it out and took some pictures oli got in the way of most of them but a few were still good

but the day was coming too a close so we went too our dorm rooms well they were more like beach houses

so that was cool

at the life guard post they wanted me there super early 

they wanted me at 3 am

so i went too be early so i could be a t the guard post

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