chapter 5- betrayed

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after i cleaned up the ashes from the book

i got a text from ava

A: hey Thomas so i was wondering if you wanted too hangout this weekend on Saturday

T: sure i don't think I'm doing anything then

A: cool we can see a movie or smoothing

T: ok

when i turned off my phone i saw the date October 30th

cool i can dress up tomorrow

I'm going too go as my favorite comic book character

its based off a book into a comic book

its pretty cool

then i looked into a mirror and saw that i still had my ears up

crap i say and i pulled them down

then i went too bed

the next morning when i got up i walked by the mirror and saw that part of my hair had turned white

I'm rubbed my eyes too see if this was really happing

and it was

"crap crap CRAAAP this cant be happing this hasn't be seen in years" i say

well i guess i still have too go to school i say to my self

then i get my clothes ready a red and black plaid shirt some ripped up jeans and some goggles well i guess I'm ready i say and start walking too school

i walked alone that day it was a cloudy day which was normal for where we are

it only took me a few minutes to get too school

i walked in and everybody was dressed up

i walked in the classroom and saw ava sitting on my desk

talking in a group of people 

everybody was laughing 

"have you seen the why he looks" she said

"he looks so stupid"

"have you seen the way Thomas wears his uniform"

i was standing in the doorway i put my hand on the wall

you can trust no body in this world i say too myself and i start too leave fire on the wall

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