beckon in the night

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"a friend?" i said

"what for" i asked

"its a lonely world out there Thomas you should now that by now" he said

"i know that" i said

"friendship requires sacrifice" he said

"what does that mean" i asked

then he hung up

i turned my phone off and got into bed

-time skip-

i woke up at 3 am again 

i layed in bed i rolled over on my side and looked at my phone

it turned it and the light hurt my eye's  for a second i looked away then i looked at it again

no missed calls and nothing going on

the house was quiet and still

i got up out of bed i went to the window and sat down and watched the snow fall

i looked over at ava's house i saw her sitting on her window as well

she was looking at the light post that the watcher stands under when he calls out it was out again

i texted her to get her attention

T: hey

it took her a few minutes to respond

A: hey

T: what are you doing up?

A: i could as you the same thing

T: don't you think that if your dad finds out

A: eh  i don't care im used to it

T:but really what are you doing up

A: i cant sleep

A: so what are you doing up

T: i fell asleep but iv been walking up at 3 for the past 2 day

A: ok

we spent the next few hours texting and sending pictures back a forth till school started

it turns out my dad was sick that day so i made him breakfast before i left for school me and ava walked to school together

"so what's up" i asked

"the sky" she said laughing

"oh har har" i said

then some girl walked up to ava and started talking to her

then ava looked over to me

"oh ana this Thomas " ava said

"oh hi Thomas "she said then she put out her and for me to shake i did

"nice to meet you" i said

they kept talking and just kept to my self i saw ava look over to me then she kept talking to ana

and before i knew it we were at school

we all went a separate ways i went the quad and just sat down on a bench and started drawing  then i got a text from ava

A: are you alright?

T: im fine i guess

A: then why do you keep asking me if im ok?

T: because im trying to make sure if your doing ok through this whole thing with my mom and your dad

A: ok if you say so

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