school trip pt1

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the started like any other day got out of bed, got dressed,ate breakfast then i walked too school with Ava

something seemed wrong or sad when we walked but it wasn't my place to ask so we just stayed quiet as we walked

nothing fun happend in any of my classes other then one thing

"ok class so" the teacher said

"we are taking a trip tomorrow" the teacher said

someone raised there hand

"Mr Andrews, where are we going on this trip" someone said

"great question Steven" Mr Andrews said

"as much as i would love too tell you all i cant" Mr Andrews said 

"it more of a hunt i guess you dont have too do it but" Mr Andrews said

" if you and your team are the first team too find this place you get strait A's on your report card" Mr Andrews said

the whole class snickered for a few seconds then stopped

"its in one day so you have time too get ready and be here by 5:00 am on the bot" Mr Andrews said

then school ended then i went home

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