school trip pt4

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i woke up after sleeping for the night it was all like it was some strange dream

but when my phone alarm went off and i tried too lift my arm but i hurt very much

i lifted the other one if felt fine

i didn't know who too call

i called ava and she took me too the doctors

-time skip after the doctors-

so basically i broke my leg and my arm will fine in a few days so that's good

"this really nice of you ava" i say

"its really no problem" she said walking me home

i had gotten a red cast on the left leg

i had some crutches and it was hard too walk so ava was there for support

we walk for about 20 minutes

we walked on to me and oli's beach house we both had our on rooms

then we walked in the house and saw more red string following to my room

we followed it and open the door

and saw hundreds of thousands pictures of i don't know

but a closer look i saw they were pictures of me

you can tell they are me because in most of them i have orange hair

"oh my god" ava said

"well what a great day" i say

and hanging right in the middle of the room was a note that said

"you talk, you die" it said

"oh my god what are we going too do" ava said

"well i know what im going too do" i say

then i started walking over too oli's room

i open the door and see oli sitting on his bed reading a book

"oh hey tomas what's up" he asked

"don't act like you don't know" i say

"i have no idea what your talking about" he said

ava walked in front of me grabbed oli's hand and walked him too my room and i followed her in

"so you don't know about any of this" ava said

ava said pointing all around the room

"oh nice new style Thomas" oli said

"oh cut the crap oli we know you did this" ava said

"no" oli said

"i didn't do this" oli said

"well then who did" ava said

"i have no idea" oli said

then oli walked away and went too his room and started reading his room

"well it ok" i said

i then sat on my bed and saw a note in shreds with my name on it

"oh no" ava said

"don't worry it can be fixed with just some tape" i say

"yeah i guess your right" ava said

then ava left and the day went on i worked on trying too fix that paper

went i got the tape and sat on my bed

then i saw that my window was open

"hey oli did you open my window" i yell

"no" he yelled back

"ok" i yell

after a few minutes i put my paper on my desk and walked out of the room for a minute

then i walked back in i saw my paper on window sill

"oh no" i say running at the window but then the paper blow right out the window

"NO" i say

"that history report took me 3 weeks to write" i say

"dang it" i say walking back too my desk and picking up where i left off

i continued tapping

after an hour it was back together

Hey Thomas, 

So..uh...Well I don't think I'll every get the chance to tell you this without Oli being around. Well let's get straight to the point.

My.....Father...Isn't the nice teacher that he might appear to be. He was a teacher once when I was in middle school annnd it didn't really go well. My advice is be careful around him. He has killed many children and surprising enough he hasn't got caught.. I've tried telling the police about it, but they always dismiss me and say that we don't have enough avoidance.

Well a couple days ago he...he visited me. I just feel stupid cause my mother tried to warn me, but I didn't listen. I live alone now. He's really dangerous and I'm scared that if he finds out about this letter he might......Well he won't find out. Just don't read this in his class. Well I am running out of room so yeah. If you have any questions you can ask me.

From the one and only Ava.

"oh my god" i say

T: ava don't worry i can help

A: but Thomas its not your fight

T: i know but i need to help

T: your not going to do this alone

A: thanks Thomas

T: its not problom

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