going home

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after the whole note business  we talked it over through text

but anyway the school trip was coming too a close

i walked out of my room but before i did i took one last look at my room

all of the pictures had been taken down i saw left on my desk was a piece of paper i walked over to but it was hard with the cruets it was the note from ava i looked at it put it in my pocket

i grabbed my bag full of clothes and things like that but soon as i was about too close the door i saw the bag full of picture i picked it up and said creepy as i walked out the door

soon the bus pulled up and i got on 

i saw the same place me and ava sat in where empty i sat where i sat

and then i saw ava sit where she sat

i waved at her and she waved back i tried talking to her

"did you have fun on the trip " i got no response

i didn't try talking to her for the rest of the ride

when we got too the school it was still late in the day and school was getting close to being over when we got there

so we went too our last class and there was only like 30 minutes left of school

so the teacher walked in and sat on his desk

"ok class you know what month it is"

oh no i said too my self

"February" the teacher said

everyone in the class groaned

"oh come on guys your not going to tell me that when you were younger you didn't like getting chocolate on valentines day?"

"i mean hes not wrong guys" i said

"yeah" somebody else said

so basically for all of February we made little bags where people give compliments and things like that

on a people of paper i drew a little bunny

so there was like 15 minutes left in class so for the last few minutes we deigned bags

then school was over and i walked home very slowly

i got home and i had already told my dad what had happend

then i walked up the stairs and walked into my room and closed the door 

i saw my stuff on my bed i picked it up and put it on the floor i put the bag of pictures next too my bed

then i flopped on my bed and texted ava

T: hey


T: is everything ok?

A: why do you ask

T: i tried talking too you on the ride home

A: ok?

T: and you didn't respond

A: whoops sorry i was thinking about some stuff

T: oh ok

i then checked the clock on my phone

"9 pm i should probably get to bed" i said to my self

T: hey im going to bed

A: ok goodnight see you towmarrow

T: goodnight

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