snapping glass

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"what do you want" i say still looking out the window at the watcher

"not much" he said

i was about to say something but he started talking again

"but there is something i want from you" he said

"what is it" i asked

i turned my back to the window but i still felt his dark eye starring at me

i looked around my room i wanted to find something but i couldn't find anything 

but when i turned back around but he was gone im not sure where he went but i herd metal doors open like the opens that are heavy to open and they close really slowly it was strange

he was about to talk but something stopped him then the call ended i put my phone on my bed and sat down on my bed

i looked out at the window again i saw that the street light post had gone out

i could stop going over the words in my head again and again

it felt like i was loosing my mind

A: hey everything ok?

i didn't feel like responding i just wanted to sink into a deep dark hole and just be alone with my thoughts but it wouldn't be right if i just left her alone the why she is right now all the stuff with my mom and her dad and all the other stuff

T: yeah fine i guess

T: what about you?

A: fine 

A: football try out's start tomorrow 

i groaned 

T:why curl world 

A: yep im going to bed


i turned off my phone and rolled over on my side i didn't feel like putting my pajamas on i put took off my shoes and put on my blanket and slowly fell asleep

-time skip-

i woke up in a cold sweat 

it was about 3 am

i looked around my room it was still the house was dead quiet 

it seemed as the wind blew the house blew with it 

i got out of my bed my phone was on my bedside table

i was about to go to the bathroom then go back to bed but when i grabbed the door my phone went off

i walked over to it

i grabbed it and clicked answer

"hello" i said

"hello thomas" he said

"sorry our little call got interrupted" he said

i didn't know what to say

"so what are you doing up at this hour of the night" he asked

"i could ask you the same thing" i said

"clever boy" he said

"have you seen the snow" he said

"snow?" i said walking over to my window confused

i looked out my window there was snow lots of it

there was a snow man under the light post that the watcher was standing under

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