___Chapter 7___

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Short chapter, I know. But I really wanted to end it there.

Hygiene is a very important part of one's life. Even if you're an evil organisation, hygiene must never be neglected.

It was something clearly the people of Python still had to learn. They can create pills which fill up one's stomach within moments, make all sorts of cool and dangerous machines and guns, but they can't clean the bathroom properly with a toilet brush just twice a day?

The first thing that I noticed as soon as a placed my foot in the bathroom (which, in case you want to know, was a men's washroom because apparently no females work here and thus, no ladies' room) was the stench. The strong, poisonous and nauseous stench of pee.

"Man, this place stinks," Walter commented, as if that wasn't obvious enough.

The bathroom interior was quite simple. There were blue tiles covered the floor and plain white walls that were covered with mysterious stains. There were three washroom stalls and many urinals. The blue tiles were also wet and sticky.


"Okay," I muttered. This will have to do. "I'm going in."

I clutched the dead guard's uniform closer to my body, making sure I don't drop it on the sticky floor, and carefully walked into one of the stalls.

I don't know why, but I expected the stalls' condition to be somewhat better than that of the other section of the bathroom. But it wasn't. And somehow, the closed space just made the stench worse. This place not only stank of pee, but also of shit. Human shit, of course.

Gods, get me out of here.

I started off by taking off my black T-shirt and throwing it down. However, to put on the jumpsuit, I needed to take off my jeans too, which I couldn't possibly do without taking off my heels. But again, I couldn't take off my heels because then my feet would be in direct contact with the sticky floor...

Is all this really worth getting out?

So I just stood there, pondering over what to do.

"Barbie, remember we're trying to escape here," Walter called out. "Time's a precious thing."

"No shit," I muttered.

"Heard that, missy!"

I rolled my eyes and quickly picked up my T-shirt and spread it out on the sticky floor.

Oh, the poor piece of cloth. It will be dearly missed.

Next, I took off my heels and placed them on the side, making sure I put my foot on my T-shirt only. I smiled, mentally proud for coming up with this idea.

Problem solved.

"Hey, bro," I heard a very unfamiliar voice say. "What're you doing here, just standing?"

Who was that? I was tempted to open the door and take just a small peak, but something told me it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Uh...waiting for my pal to come out," Walter answered, his voice not sounding confident. "Barb-I mean, uh, Ken, come out, quick after putting on the clothes, okay?"

Of course I wouldn't come out naked. With that thought, I continued putting the suit on.

"Ken?" The other voice questioned. "Aren't you supposed to be using your code names?"

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