___Chapter 10___

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"I want you to know that I'm all yours."

Turns out, his 'something' wasn't too bad.

It was downright disastrous.

"Everyone already thinks we're weird, we do not need to prove that theory any further with your stupid plan," I say, giving him a stink eye. "You've done enough already."

"If you're talking about the whole cafeteria incident, you're at fault, hon," Walter answers, raising his hands in surrender. "The whole walk I was talking about the delicious food and you didn't say a word despite knowing all we're getting are drugs. A little warning would've done the both of us good!"

"Excuse me?" I began, but before I got the opportunity to continue, Mr.Oh-so-innocent had to speak up.

"You're excused," he says. "Why do people even say that?"

God, I have never prayed to you in my life. Okay, maybe just once or twice here and there, but today, today I ask for a blessing which you may not be able to fulfil for it's an impossible feat.

Save him from my wrath. Give me the power to not to kill him.

"You-" I start off my rant, but he cuts me off again.

"As much as I'd like to hear you call me all sorts of colourful names," he says. "We've got a plan to launch."

"A plan that'll get us killed," I mutter, crossing my arms around my chest.

"Or just may save our butts," he counters.

Well, who am I to argue with that?

Launching the plan was the easy part. It had just two simple steps.

One, approach a friendly sounding (since we cannot see any of their faces through the ugly mask, hence, their voices will have to do) guard.

"That one," Walter points at one of them. "He sounds like a jolly guy."

"Hell no," I answer. "He sounds way too jolly."

"What's wrong with too jolly?" Walter asks in an accusing tone.

"There's nothing right with it either," I counter.

"Everything's right about being jolly!" He argues, not willing to give up. "Hell, that's the only way to live life."

"Well, too much jolly conceals the truth of life," I answer.

Yes, I can be philosophical. No, Python didn't teach me that. Experiences did.

"We're so not having a philosophical talk right now," Walter says, making a fair point.

So engrossed in our petty argument that we didn't realise that we crashed into somebody until that somebody growled like a dog.

That somebody turned out to be a big man with a stomach stretching as far as the Thar desert. Or well, that's what it looked like. Judging by his growl, he wasn't a friendly guy and didn't particularly like us at the moment.

"He'll have to do, we don't have time," Walter quickly whispers to me and I know it's time.

Two, pretend to have temporary memory loss. This was the hard part for we crashed into a unfriendly sounding man and not a polite one.

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