N.Stark [Taken]

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War Rages On
Taken By Fosterashley
Elenor Carlisle

Title:War Rages OnAvailability:Taken By Fosterashley Characters:Elenor Carlisle

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Ned Stark

Requirements:~ She Must have long Brown Hair And hazel eyes

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~ She Must have long Brown Hair
And hazel eyes.
Any Series
Elenor Carlisle wasn't like any other women when she turned 17 her mother was a barmaid in a tavern near there home one night she was killed in a riot she promised herself she would never let anyone feel so defenceless so she shaved her long chestnut brown hair and covered up her breasts and changed her clothes and headed to winterfell where she joined Roberts army.

But when she arrived she never expected her life to change for the better when the joined the army against Rhaegar Targaryen when they went into battle she saw Ned Stark his short Curley chestnut hair made him stand out in the crowd she began to develop feelings for someone who didn't even know her until she sees an arrow head for him and she jumps in front of it it hits her in the arm he thanks her for saving his life and they become friends.

They train together and she admits to him that she's a girl and tells him about her past but that night he heads to her tent and finds her murdered her small fragile throat slit her pale skin died with red cold dried blood he takes her back to winterfell where he buries her body in the cript.

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