January 21st

982 101 46


DKS: okay I guess lol

PCY: I decided to wonder around town

PCY: I forgot how lonely it is here (even though I have Tao with me)

DKS: Oregon gets pretty lonely too. I have people my age all down the street but I've only ever talked to Jongdae


We found a McDonalds

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We found a McDonalds

DKS: wow Ronald McDonald statues still exist? All the ones here got vandalized, so they were removed. Every McDonalds here Has a Redbox instead.

DKS: question: why the hell are you at McDonalds at 1am?

PCY: Bc it's fun

PCY: anyways, What are you up to right now?

DKS: I'm just sitting in my room.

DKS: why?

PCY wants to video chat!
Accept or Deny?


After pressing the Accept button, his screen fills with Chanyeol's face. he's sitting in a dimly lit parking lot, a bag of Food in his left hand. "Hi~" he says happily. Kyungsoo waves awkwardly, a sweater sleeve covering the majority of his hand. "Hello, Chanyeol." he says softly.

"Woah! Jongdae is right, your voice is alot deeper then it seems it would be! so husky.." Kyungsoo quirks a brow at his friend. "Is deep a bad thing?" Chanyeol shakes his head no. "Absolutely not! far from it actually...It suits you!" a vibrant smile appears on his phone screen, courtesy of the boy on the other side. this makes Kyungsoo smile as well, it being completely infectious.

"Are you talking to your boyf--friEND." He watches Chanyeol elbow a brunette guy in the gut. Kyungsoo assumes it to be Tao. He holds back a laugh. "Tao for the love of god shut up!" Tao nods as if to say he'll behave. "Hi Kyungsoo!" he winks at the screen before running ahead of Chanyeol. "Ignore him," the older says with a sigh.

"Chanyeol...where the hell is your Jacket? it's January and half past one in the morning..."

"Aw are you worried about me? and I left it it's only 67 degrees."

"if you get sick i'm going to laugh my ass off."

"Question: why are you being so quite?" Chanyeol asks him, ignoring how happy seeing Kyungsoo laugh would make him. "I live with my grandma who's usually asleep by 7:30. i'm also a naturally quite person...unless i'm mad."

"Makes sense i guess!" Chanyeol holds a finger up to his screen. "Tao! i'm gonna head home!" he shouts, pointing to the apartment complex behind him. he waves goodbye to his friend, before crossing the street, and heading inside. his phone sticks to his side till he's in a place that practically Screams Chanyeol. "I have a favor to ask you~" Kyungsoo cocks his head to the side. "Hmm?"

"Sing To Me?" He looks so sweet and innocent, so he can't deny him, even if that's what he'd normally do. "O-Okay...Sure..."

"I see you even when I close my eyes,I hear you even when I cover my ears, When I think of you, Even if you're in a place, Where I can't touch you, I can feel you," Kyungsoo starts. "Is this an NCT song. " Kyungsoo shushes him and continues. " When my moon rises, Your sun rises as well, Under the same sky, In this different time, Our hearts are connected, Under the same sky. You and I, You and I, You and I, Our own secrets, You and I, You and I, You and I, We are like one." his voice is softer then what Chanyeol normally hears from him. it causes him to be as quite as possible.

"Every night, in my dreams, We are connected to each other, We're looking at the same place, Without a sound, You enter into me, And I'm being pulled by you. When my moon rises, Your sun rises as well, Under the same sky, In this different time, Our hearts are connected, Under the same sky. You and I, You and I, You and I, Our own secrets, You and I, You and I, You and I, We are like one. Will I be able to see you again? At the end of this long journey? Want to be together, In the same time, In different places, This distorted fate. When my moon rises, Your sun rises as well, Under the same sky, In this different time, Our hearts are connected, Under the same sky. You and I, You and I, You and I, Our own secrets, You and I, You and I, You and I, We are like one."

Kyungsoo stops singing only to see Chanyeol drifting off due to the soothing sound.

"I like that song...sing it to me more often..Kyungsoo." and just like that, he's asleep. Kyungsoo admires him a bit longer, Smiling softly as his curly hair falls in his face. he looks...Beautiful. That's normal to think of when it comes to friends...Right?

"Hello, Yeol. Sweet Dreams."


A/N: longer chapters coming your way! The Song Kyungsoo sang was the english Translation to Sun & Moon by NCT. anyways, was this okay?


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