Chapter 24: is he okay?

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The rest of the week passes pretty fast for Chanyeol. In between school work and finishing up something to show Kyungsoo, he barely realizes it's already Friday night, meaning tomorrow morning he'd be meeting Kyungsoo for coffee.

His headphones are heavy on his head. it's as if he has the sudden epiphany about how much Kyungsoo's opinion on this matters to him; because this is new least to say. he's known Kyungsoo for 5 and a half months, and here he is about to show him his greatest passion in life. It took him 2 years to let Jihoon and Zitao go near his tracks, and they've been friends since childhood. 

yet here he is, preparing to share something he specially made just for Kyungsoo, with Kyungsoo.

He spaces out for a second, gazing at the wall. It isn't till his roommate clears his throat awkwardly that he stops.
"Um...Sehun and I are going to get dinner...want me to bring you anything back?" Junmyeon points over his shoulder at the door. "Oh uh. . . anything's fine. Ill pay you back." Chanyeol replies with a smile.
(He ends up getting this amazing burger and is forever thankful for Junmyeon and the food coma that lulls him to sleep.)



DKS: I'm at the cafe already^^
DKS: I'm sitting outside since my dog wanted to go on a walk . . .

PCY: ah yes! I'll make sure I keep an eye out for a cute boy then

DKS: my dog is old and practically hates you I don't know why you're so excited

PCY: who said I was talking about your dog ;)

DKS: ....
DKS: ...I'll see you in a few


The slowly warming air feels great on Chanyeol's arms when he steps outside. He's happy that it's warm enough that he can feel comfortable in just a long sleeve shirt. it makes him feel more at home. 

the cafe is only a block away, so he gets there quickly, Laptop and headphones in his backpack. 

Sitting under one of those umbrella tables in Kyungsoo, sipping on an iced coffee. his glasses hang low on his nose as he reads through a notebook, writing something in the margins with a green pen. The growling of his dog next to his ankles causes him to look up. "Oh, Hi Chanyeol." He greets in his normal fashion. "Hey There!" Chanyeol replies sitting down. "How's your week been?" Chanyeol asks him. Kyungsoo shrugs. "Pretty normal, actually. the only real change is my Grandmother coming back from her retreat." He replies, sitting up straight. "What about you?" Chanyeol smiles softly. "I don't know if you remember, but a few months ago, you asked to see something I've produced, and well, I was finishing that up." Kyungsoo's eyes seem to light up at the mention of a promise from back in November. "To be honest, i'm shocked i promised in the first place....I don't typically show anything of mine to anyone but Jihoon, Tao, and well now my professors. But...I strangely feel a bit better about showing you." he pauses. "I'm still nervous as all hell though." Kyungsoo laughs quietly, and Chanyeol can't help but laugh with him. 

His eyes snap from crescents, to they're normal 'full moon status.' when he begins to speak again. "You cut your hair?" 

Chanyeol nods. "I did." he confirms, ruffling his hair. "it was getting too long...I might dye it soon too." Kyungsoo nods. "I like it." They chit-chat a bit longer till the dog seems to grow restless, then take the bus to Kyungsoo's. 

(The younger is still incredibly bitter that Jongdae has his own car while he's still saving up. "at least he lets you drive his sometimes." chanyeol had added in.)

"Grandma...I'm home." Kyungsoo calls out. The dog scampers past him to get to the woman who was in the kitchen judging by the smell of cookies, and they way he runs up the stairs. he recalls Kyungsoo explaining that his Grandmother bought the house in the 70's because of the upstairs kitchen, telling her now late husband that it was perfect. Kyungsoo leads the taller up to his room. "Little Bird, Did you meet up with that-- Oh! hello!" they're stopped in the hallway by said woman. 

"Hello!" Chanyeol greets. "I'm Gerda, Kyungsoo's Grandmother." She wipes her hand off on her dress, sticking it out for Chanyeol to shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Chanyeol." she smiles before turning to her grandson. "so this is Chanyeol? he's just as tall and Handsome as you said-" 

"GRANDMA!" Kyungsoo says rather loudly, face red as ever, eyes practically about to bulge out of his head." Gerda laughs. "Go hang out, I'll keep baking." She sends the boys away. Still red faced,  Kyungsoo opens his door. 

Chanyeol looks around, recognizing the head of his bed and the pictures above it. looking around more, he sees a dresser and tv across from his bed, his desk not far from his closet, otherwise known as his filming spot for his covers. the walls are lined with various studio ghibli movie posters, as well as a few NCT ones as well. "I didn't let you in here last time since I hadn't cleaned up..." Kyungsoo mumbles. "Anyways uh...Sit anywhere." so he does, at the end of his bed, careful not to wrinkle the sheets. "Come sit, I want to show you this."   

he reaches into his backpack, producing his laptop and and a pair of headphones. So Kyungsoo does, his shoulders brushing with Chanyeols. he hates how much the simple action makes his heart race. 'God, is liking his tall ass going to be this annoying?' Kyungsoo thought to himself. "Okay...and, Ready?" Chanyeol asks, holding up the headphones that definitely were going to be too big for Kyungsoo's head. But, the younger nods, and slips them off, ignoring how idiotic he probably looked. 

Chanyeol hovers over the Play button before clicking on it. 

The melody that fills Kyungsoo's head is so different than anything Kyungsoo expected. It has a great beat, sounding like it came straight out of the 80's, but updated. 

Then the vocals kick in. it's unmistakable that they belong to Chanyeol. They fit everything so well, Kyungsoo even begins to tap his foot to the upbeat song. 

Chanyeol still seems quite nervous, so he allows the smile he was holding back to spring forward. the song's over in what seems far too soon, despite its 3 minute run time. he slips the headphones off, before praises begin to slip out of his mouth at an almost rapid pace.

"Slow down!" Chanyeol says through a laugh. "what did you honestly think?" 

Kyungsoo chews on his lips, before looking Chanyeol square in the eye. 

"I loved it. it was better than anything i could have hoped  for."

The way  Chanyeol's eyes glittered and the smile that broke onto his face only solidifies how whipped Kyungsoo's going to be.

A/N: Hi! i finally got an update done! had motivation from a someone who was super excited to read, I hope you enjoyed! 

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