March 9th

944 80 15

PCY: I am ready to die omg (」゚ロ゚)」

DKS: why?

JDaeee: yeah I'm curious myself.

PCY: I got slammed with 2 new assignments that involve producing music

DKS: Oh.

JDaeee: yikes. That sucks man

DKS: I can't even imagine...and to think I start in June...

JDaeee: I have till September lmao. I don't even get why you're taking Summer courses

DKS: cause I hate doing nothing for too long....ive Already been out since December and I'm dying inside out of lack of productivity.

PCY: I took a gap year because that wasn't long enough for me. 😂

PCY: I wasn't ready to go from hell to Super Hell™ within 3 months

JDaeee: s u p e r
JDaeee: h e l l

PCY: yes, super hell Highschool was terrible lmao

DKS: how so? I didnt have too bad of an experience

JDaeee: you sure? You got pushed into a trashcan at least once a day...there's also the fact that some bitch ruined 3 of your textbooks and you had to pay for them...

DKS: never mind it was hell.
DKS: my wallet still feels that $334 loss...


If I were you I would have just kinda

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If I were you I would have just kinda...

JDaeee: he heavily considered it

JDaeee: ah shit I have some hw to to you guys later~


PCY: hey Soo...
PCY: you wanna face time tonight?

DKS: Yeah, Im probably gonna be editing the new cover though, so you'll get a sneak peak...

PCY: When do you want me to call?

DKS: gimme 5 minutes

PCY: alrighty~



Chanyeol's face appears on the screen

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Chanyeol's face appears on the screen...and saying he looked cute wouldn't be an incorrect observation. Unknowing to Chanyeol, Kyungsoo screenshots The moment. He lies to himself, saying its to embarrass the elder later on.

"Hi~" Chanyeol greets in a sing-song voice. Kyungsoo smiles shyly. He doesn't know why.

"Hi..." He mumbled back, waving awkwardly. "how was your day?" Kyungsoo asks softly, messing with something on his laptop. "Very long, I've been writing more music. I feel like my brains turned to liquid," Chanyeol pauses to laugh at his own words. "But it's all for good reasons. Some of it's to show you when we hang out next week." Kyungsoo's eyes flicker to his phone screen again. "That does excite me I'll admit...but don't overwork yourself." Chanyeol nods. "I won't~" Kyungsoo smiles. "Anyways...would you mind listening to a little bit of this? I'm not sure how I feel about it..." Kyungsoo trails off, his nerves finally catching up to him. Chanyeol nods eagerly, sitting up more as if that would enhance his listening experience. Kyungsoo hovers over the play button, before looking at his phone again. "'s a cover of an Amber Run song called Fickle Game..." He says quickly before clicking on the file.

He mentally implodes out of anxiety least to say, but the look that flashes across the college student's face makes him feel a tiny bit better. he stops the file after 25 seconds, not Wanting to give away too much. (He knew he'd probably end up emailing it to him after they hung up anyway, but maybe this would reduce the nerves he was feeling) Chanyeol claps, smiling so big his eyes turned into crescents. "Wah! That was so good! That might end up being my favorite, after sun and moon of course~" Mentally, Kyungsoo let's out the most inhuman noise. What is wrong with him right now...why's he feel so happy at chanyeol's praise? maybe he's getting sick...but that wouldn't make sense since he's always cared especially about what he in particular had to say.


Oh god.

That can't be right.

There's no way in hell he's catching feelings.

he doesn't realize he spaced out till chanyeol's looking at him with a quirked eyebrow. "Soo? You okay?" He asks him. Kyungsoo nods. "uh...yes. I am." He clears his throat. "just a bit tired." he replies. he stretches, hoping to play it off. Chanyeol doesn't seem to fully believe him, but brushes it off. They talk a bit longer about Kyungsoo's day, and what Chanyeol's been up to in classes, till he has to hang up since his roommate's back.

"Goodnight, Kyungsoo! I'll see you soon." he Tells him softly.

So Kyungsoo hangs up, his heart beating a little too fast for his liking.

"Feelings....already?" He asks himself while staring at the ceiling. "Maybe its a phase? It probably won't last long...all is temporary." He lies to himself. But as he drifts to sleep, he knows in the back of his head that its not. And he's only gonna start to feel More.

A/N: I don't know how good this is, just wanted to get something out. Hope you liked some of it though. ~ J✿EN

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