Chapter 30:

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a month later, June 28th. 6am. 

"Chanyeol? wha -- it's 6 in the morning why are you standing on my front yard with a massive backpack?" Kyungsoo asks, shoving his classes back up the bridge of his nose. 

"Well, as we are vastly approaching July, and you told me you haven't gone camping since you were 13, how about a spur of the moment camping trip?" Chanyeol's crooked grin causes a soft fuzzy feeling to flood Kyungsoo's chest. He shuts his front door, and slowly walks into his front yard, pulling his robe tighter around his body. "You realize that Jongdae's bound to want to join, and that means Baekhyun's probably going to come with." he says softly, hands gliding up his arms from his wrist. "But of course," he leans in. "They're already in the car, and i may or may not have planned this a while ago...Your grandmother already gave me the okay." he whispers in Kyungsoo's ear. "Ugh. you're lucky I love you." he replies, kissing Chanyeol's cheek. "Give me five minutes and i'll be ready." Chanyeol grins. "Okay, see you soon, baby." Chanyeol winks, walking back to the car, backpack in hand. 

"You guys are disgustingly cute." Baekhyun whispers, careful not to wake up Jongdae who was sleeping soundly on his right shoulder. Chanyeol laughs. "Yeah..," he pauses, looking out the window, Kyungsoo walking towards the car. "Yeah, we are." he opens the passenger door, cranking up the heater slightly. "You ready to go?" Chanyeol questions. Kyungsoo nods, confirming by rubbing Chanyeol's knee softly. 

quiet conversations fill the space for the first hour or so of the car ride, Mostly Chanyeol telling stories. the one that caused the most concern, was possibly the one about how he and his friends had gotten drunk when they were 16. Tao had shoved Chanyeol, leading him to tumble down a hill and cut his leg on a rock. "That was a fun conversation in the E.R. my mother kicked my ass...I still haven't lived it down." 

Baekhyun and a now wide awake Jongdae snicker to themselves, watching something on Baekhyun's phone. 

Once they were out of cellular range, Chanyeol had decided it was time for Karaoke. "C'mon babe, sing with me!" Chanyeol begs. Kyungsoo's about to deny for the 15th time, but he couldn't resist when Day6's 'I'm Serious' began floating through the speakers. "I hate you.." Kyungsoo sighs, before joining in with Chanyeol, and Jongdae. Baekhyun joins once Stray Kids' 'School life.' comes on. Kyungsoo's laughing too hard to actually sing, with the loud and slightly obnoxious tones of voice the other 3 use. 

They arrive to the campgrounds a little while later. the entire trip ended up lasting a good 2 and a half hours, a weird mixture of singing and debating which anime characters oozed the most dumb bitch energy, (they all ended up agreeing it was Ouran Highschool Host Club's Tamaki.)

"Okay, so, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, go gather firewood. Me and Jongdae can handle the tent and all that fancy shit." Kyungsoo quirks an eyebrow. "Jongdae's great at climbing though." Baekhyun nods. "That he is, but he only brought his slides. and nothing else shoe wise." Chanyeol laughs, and flashes a thumbs up. "We'll be back in a few." 

the two of them set out, their fingers laced together as Chanyeol talks about Arizona, with the fondest of smiles on his face. Kyungsoo already has a growing pile of sticks and logs by the time Chanyeol finishes the story about how Jihoon almost got them kicked out of a McDonalds for being ripped off of 3 chicken nuggets. Kyungsoo's laughing to the point of tears. 

"Um, baby? can i ask you something?" Chanyeol asks suddenly, setting more wood into his pile. "Huh? yeah go ahead." Kyungsoo replies, dusting his palms off. "well, in a couple months, probably end of July to the middle of August, I'm going to be visiting my family in Arizona since Yoora, she's pretty close to having her baby, and i was wondering if you...would like to come with me...?"  

"Of course...your family wont mind that we're seeing each other will they?"
Chanyeol shakes his head quickly. "No no no, they'll love you i know it!" Kyungsoo smiles. He's too damn cute when he's excited.
"Ill tell my grandmother when we get back then."

They turn back to the campsite, where Jongdae and Baekhyun are setting up the tents and putting the food in a safe place. "Now what?"
Baekhyun asks.

"Theres a creek near by; we could go swim?" Chanyeol's face lights up. "PLEASE!"

The group follows Jongdae to the mentioned creek. "I have the feeling this is gonna go wrong." Kyungsoo murmers to jongdae when their boyfriends go sprinting into the water. Jongdae nods in agreement. "Definitely."


A/N: uh.  Long time no see? Wattpad had me locked out of my account
:[ but im back if anyone still reads this lmao

- J

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