~ One ~

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       Aria's pov

           "Dan where are my keys?!" I yelled down the stairs.
"In the drawer next to the bed! Lydia was messing with them so I had to put them in there!" He replied. I watched him chase Lydia around annoyingly before grabbing her and putting her coat on. I walked back to the bedroom and grabbed my keys from the drawer before grabbing my laptop and L's suitcase and running downstairs.
"Are you ready?" I asked Lydia, picking her up. Dan sighed in relief.
"Yes!" She said happily. "We're gunna go see grandma." I nodded my head and smiled.
    Lydia was five years old now, and Christmas had become her favorite thing in the world. We also didn't get to see my mom much so she always got really excited when we flew to America for the holidays. We traded off every year, one year we went to my moms for thanksgiving and then to Dan's parents' house for Christmas and then Vise Versa the next year.
"Is daddy ready?" I asked looking up at Dan.
"Daddy has to pee." Dan said before quickly running to the bathroom.
"Daddy better hurry up or we're gunna miss our flight!" I yelled.
"Yeah!" Lydia added, pretending to be angry. I laughed and looked down at her smiling. She smiled back up at me with her big green eyes but turned away quickly when Dan walked back into the room.
"Lets go!" I said loudly and we walked out the door. I knocked on Phil's door and he showed up quickly.
"You guys leaving?" He asked sadly.
"Yep." Lydia replied. I nodded my head. Phil hugged Lydia causing her to lean forward in my arms and then kissed her on the head.
"I'll see you in a few weeks." He smiled poking her nose. I hugged Phil and so did Dan.
"See you soon Phil, Love you." I smiled. Dan said goodbye and Phil closed the door.
I made sure Lydia was secure in my arms and we hurried down the stairs to the lobby. I handed L to Dan and walked out the door, them following behind me.
We called a cab to come pick us up and we were off.
Whenever we flew, Lydia insisted on sitting in between Dan and I no matter what. We didn't exactly have a say in the matter considering the one time we said no, she threw a fit and freaked out the entire flight. I'm pretty sure everyone who was flying from America to London that day, now wants us dead.
"Remember, this is my seat." She said pushing past Dan and sitting down next to me.
"I remember." He said. "Trust me." I laughed and he sat down next to Lydia, making sure she was comfortable.
"Mommy is uncle Dallas going to be there?" She asked looking up at me. Dallas had recently been deployed in the military and had called to say he wasn't gunna make Christmas this year.
"I don't know baby, we'll see." I said hopefully, smiling at her. Dan put his hand on my shoulder giving me a sympathetic look. I put my hand over his and smiled back at him.
     The flight was twelve hours from London to New Hampshire but it felt a lot longer with Lydia talking the entire time. I honestly had no idea where she got that from as neither me, nor Dan could even hold a conversation for twenty minutes without feeling awkward and needing the socialization to stop. Maybe she was spending too much time with Phil.
      Dan and I were both extremely happy when the plane landed. I grabbed our luggage and Dan grabbed Lydia, and we got off. The Lebanon airport was around two or three hours from my moms house, so we rented a car in advance for the time we were there. We had to walk a bit to get to the rental shop but once we got there everything was all set and we could get going. Dan put Lydia in the back, and  realized we didn't have a car seat.
"I'll sit with her." He suggested.
"Are you sure?" I asked kind of shocked.
"Mhm." He answered smiling. He kissed me gently and climbed into the back with L. Dan is really tall, so sitting in the back seat of the already small rental car wasn't something he enjoyed much, but he did like to spend as much time with our daughter as possible.
"Off to Grandmas house!" I said excitedly, making eye contact with Lydia in the mirror.
"Yay!" She yelled, happily throwing her hands up, she accidentally hit Dan in the face.
"Ow." He laughed.
"Sorry Daddy." She said through her laughter.
"Oh you think that's funny?" He asked still smiling. He started to tickle her.
"No!" She yelled laughing intensely. "Stop!" He stopped after a moment and glanced up at me for a second smiling before looking back at Lydia.
"That's what you get." He said playfully. Lydia laughed again and buried her head in his arm. I smiled and looked back at the road.
Lucky for both me and Dan, L fell asleep a few minutes after their little tickle fight and slept for the rest of the car ride.
When we arrived at the house I wasn't surprised to see that my mom was already waiting outside.
"Lydia..." Dan said quietly. "We're here baby." Lydia's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly. She looked out the window and as soon as she saw my mom she jumped over Dan and out the door. Dan and I both laughed and followed her over to where my mom was standing. Lydia had run over and jumped into her arms.
"There's my wonderful granddaughter." My mom said smiling as she picked Lydia up.
"Merry Christmas mom." I smiled hugging her.
"Merry Christmas sweetheart." She said kissing my head.
"Hi Karen." Dan said hugging her as well.
"You look good Daniel." She smiled. "Have you preposed yet?"
"Mom." I whined.
"No... uh not... no." Dan laughed awkwardly.
"Shame..." My mom said quietly.
"How about we go inside." I suggested with a fake smile, desperately wanting this conversation to end in order to refrain from yelling at my mom. She asked that question every time Dan and I saw her.
"Good idea." She smiled. She carried Lydia into the house and Dan put his arm around me as we walked inside.
Dan and I had been together for almost six years now, but I understood why he hadn't preposed. Marriage is a big thing and it takes so long to prepare a wedding especially with both of our parents being the way they are. Things were already amazing the way they were and I understood that he didn't want to mess that up. I didn't either.
"So have you heard from Dallas?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.
"Not since last week." She sighed. I could see look of sadness on her face and she put Lydia down on the floor. "He doesn't have great internet access up there..."
"I'm sure he's fine mom." I said rubbing her arm slightly.
"You're right." She smiled. "He's always known how to take care of himself." I nodded in a agreement. I smiled at her before walking over to Dan.
"I'm gunna go take a shower, you got her?" I asked, motioning to Lydia.
"Yeah." He said smiling.
"Thanks." I said quietly. I kissed him and walked to the bathroom.

Everything's Alright (Sequel to "Please Be Okay")Where stories live. Discover now