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            "Oh my god I'm gunna pass out." I said nervously as I looked at Dallas standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulder. 

"Aria, you are going to be fine." He told me. "Now we have to go out there." 

It was the day of the wedding and the ceremony was about to start. I was excited, but I was also freaking terrified. With the surgery the next day and the craziness of the entire situation I was extremely stressed out. The wedding was small since it was short notice, and there weren't a lot of people there, but that was fine with me. Dan flew out his parents short notice so he could spend time with them before the surgery and so they could be at the wedding. It cost a lot of money to get the tickets so quickly, and the immigration to America was difficult, but they ended up making it somehow. Other than them it was just my mom, Dallas, Lydia and a few of my mom's friends. The ceremony wasn't held in a church, since my family wasn't exactly religious and Dan didn't care where it was as long as he was marrying me. So, we rented out a nice big room at some random place near the house.

"Don't worry." Dallas smiled, linking his arm with mine. I took a deep breath and nodded as we started walking. Two men opened the doors and I felt like I was some sort of royalty. Like I was special. I held my breath slightly as we walked by the few people sitting next to me as I walked by. I just kept my eyes forward, looking at my beautiful soon to be husband standing up on a platform waiting for me. Once we approached the steps, Dallas gave me a hug and whispered in my ear. 

"You look beautiful. You always do, you're gunna do great." 

I smiled at him and held back tears as he patted me on the shoulder before walking and sitting down in the front of the room. I looked back up at Dan, who grabbed my hand and helped me up the steps. 

"You look... so beautiful." He told me. I could tell he didn't really know what to say. He grabbed my hands in his and smiled at me. I could feel his hands shaking so I tried to study them. He noticed and looked down rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. I was in such a trance that I didn't even notice the reverend start speaking. By the time I snapped out of it I heard him ask.

"Did you two right your own vows?" 

"Yes, we did." Dan smiled. "Should I go first?" 

"Sure." I said happily. He grabbed a piece of paper from my pocket and started to read. 

"Aria..." He started. "I have re-written these vows about a million times. I just didn't know how to write the perfect thing because you are the perfect thing. You make me happy when I feel so sick all I want to do is let go... So I want to promise to do the same. I can't promise you forever, I can't even promise you the rest of the week but... but I promise that I will spend whatever amount of time we have left, loving you. And being there for you. And making sure that you know just how special you are, because you, Aria Winston are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and the best thing that ever will." 

I felt tears run down my face. 

"Now Aria, would you like to say the vows you've written for Daniel?" 

I nodded smiling uncontrollably as I unfolded the paper in my hand. 

"Dan... when I met you I thought you were the smartest, funniest, kindest most wonderful person in the world. And I was right. Within the past five years you have not only been an amazing boyfriend, and an amazing father, but you have also been my best friend... You are the reason I wake up in the morning- the reason that I'm still here. And I am so grateful for that. So, I would like to promise you that no matter how long we have, I will never stop believing in you. I will never stop loving you, and I will never stop needing you. Because you are my everything. You are everything." 

Everything's Alright (Sequel to "Please Be Okay")Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora