~ Four ~

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          Dan's pov 

The plane ride consisted mostly of us talking about random things and sleeping. When we finally landed I had to wake Aria up to let her know. 

"We're here love." I said quietly, as I pushed her hair out of her face. She opened her eyes quickly and smiled me before shooting up. 

"I'm awake!" She said loudly. People from a few rows a head of us gave her strange looks which made us both laugh. I stood up next to her and we grabbed our luggage before getting off the plane. Within just those few seconds, this was already one of the most beautiful places I'd ever seen. It was night time when we arrived and you could see the Eiffel Tower over the lit up city. I looked down at Aria and smiled. She smiled back at me before standing on her tip toes and kissing my cheek. I laughed and shook my head slightly. She was so adorable. 

      We called a taxi to take us to our hotel and I decided to vlog on the way there. I took out my camera and started filming. 

"So we've just landed and we are currently on our way to our hotel." I said to the camera. The driver looked at me weird before turning his gaze back to the road. "We are very exhausted and I think we're both looking forward to just having a relaxing rest of the night. Isn't that right?" I tuned the camera to Aria who was already starting to fall asleep again with her head on my shoulder. 

"Mhm." She said smiling softly. I laughed quietly and turned the camera back to myself. 

"Alright, well we will see you guys tomorrow, bye!" I said waving before turning the camera off. 

"How are you still tired?" I asked Aria. "You slept the majority of the plane ride." 

"I honestly have no idea." She mumbled, laughing at herself. 

         Aria went to bed right when we got to the hotel. We were going to be there for two weeks so it was no use trying to stay awake if she was just gunna be tired the next day. I however, decided to stay awake for a few more hours and finishing editing one last video I had filmed with Phil, before going into holiday mode and not doing anything responsible whatsoever. After I was finished with that, I decided to get some sleep as well and texted Phil quickly to let him know the video was done. 

'Just finished editing the sims video. I'm about to go to sleep.' 

Yes, it was five years later and we were still doing Youtube, and still playing the sims. I'd get into everything that was happening in the Howlter family but that would just take too long. 

'Alright thanks. No more work though! You're on holiday with your -Soon to be- fiance! Enjoy it!' 

'Thanks Phil, lol goodnight.' 


         Aria's pov 

              I woke up to the smell of waffles and strawberries. Apparently Dan had ordered room service. 

"Good morning Aria." He said as he approached the bed smiling. 

"Good morning Daniel." I teased. 

"You can't call me Daniel anymore." He laughed. "It makes me feel old." 

"That's because you are old." I said sticking my tongue out at him. "And I like Daniel it's cute." 

He shook his head, still smiling and handed me a plate of food. I sat up and grabbed it from his hand. 

"Wow this looks amazing." I said quietly. 

"It is." He smiled as he plopped himself down next to me. He pulled out his camera and pressed record. 

"Hi guys, so it's currently 10:30 in the morning and Aria has finally woken up." He joked, glancing over at me. I stuck my tongue out at him again before taking a bite of the food in front of me. "We are eating breakfast now and then we're going to head out into the city of love. I regret saying that." 

I laughed and he turned the camera off, turning to me and smiling. 

"You're okay with me vlogging right?" He asked. "Because I mean I don't have to if you're uncomfortable-" 

"No it's fine I actually love it. I was planning on doing some vlogging too." I replied smiling. About two years earlier I had started making Youtube videos of my own. I didn't have nearly as many subscribers as Dan or Phil but I had a few million. 

"Good." He smiled, kissing my cheek. I smiled back at him and continued eating. 

      Dan's pov 

After finishing breakfast, Aria showered, got dressed and did her hair and make up before coming out of the bathroom and smiling cutely at me. 

"So, what do you have planned today?" She asked, attempting to put her arm on my shoulder, but being too short. 

"Well, I figured today we could walk around for a while and do some sight seeing, maybe some shopping." I suggested. "And then maybe we could go get lunch. I want today to be pretty normal, because of the surprise tomorrow." 

"Surprise?" She asked excitedly. 

"Yep." I replied confidently. "And no I am not telling you what it is." 

"Are you kidding me?" She whined. "I hate surprises." She crossed her arms and puffed out her bottom lip. 

"Now you're just acting like Lydia." I laughed. 

"You always do this!" She said, smiling through her fake anger. "You tell me there's a surprise and then you don't tell me what the surprise is. It's very cruel." 

"Just shut up and appreciate me." I said, laughing slightly. She laughed too, and we continued talking for a while before leaving the hotel. 

         We walked around the city for a few hours, going into shops and trying on stupid hats or crazy shirts and making each other laugh. The city itself was really amazing. There were a lot of people just walking around and being happy together. It was kind of weird thinking that I guess I was one of those people in that moment. 

         When we were finally tired of walking, we decided to go get lunch. We went to this amazing Pasta restaurant I had no idea how to pronounce the name of. 

"Say that again Daniel?" Aria teased as she held a camera in my face. 

"le Ma..." I stuttered laughing at myself. "Shut up." 

We both laughed and Aria turned the camera to herself. 

"Daniel Howell everybody." She said smiling. She smirked at me and shut the camera off again. 

         After lunch we decided to got back to the hotel and just hang out for the rest of the day. We watched a couple movies, ate some ice cream, did other things... And then had dinner and went to bed. It was a perfect day. 

Everything's Alright (Sequel to "Please Be Okay")Where stories live. Discover now