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        Dan's pov 

                The next few days were filled with Aria and I hanging out with her family as much as possible before we left. They were also filled with me making last minute plans and attempting to make sure that everything was set up correctly. I wanted to make this trip perfect. Aria hadn't had a real break in years and she more than deserved a few weeks free of worry and responsibility. She was not only an amazing mother to Lydia, but also the most amazing girlfriend ever. I loved her more than anything in the world and all I ever wanted was to make her happy. 

     I had told Phil about the trip beforehand so we could record a few videos for the gaming the channel before I left. I didn't however, tell him about the plan that I had for the last day we were there. I was gunna propose. It had been almost six years and I was ready to. I had planned on talking to Dallas and Aria's mom the day before we left for Paris. I wanted to let them know about it as well as making sure that both of them were okay with it (even though I was already almost positive they were.) So, that night while Aria was in the shower, I did. 

"Guys can I talk to you?" I asked nervously. 

"Yeah, sure what's up?" Dallas asked. We all sat down on the couch and Karen smiled at me. Lydia was already asleep. 

"So, you know that Aria and I are leaving in the morning." I started. Both of them nodded. "Well... I was wondering if you two would be okay if... if I asked her to marry me." Karen's face lit up and her smile widened. 

"Really?" She asked happily. "Of course we're okay with it." 

I laughed at how excited she was. 

"Dallas?" I asked, turning to face him. 

"It's about time." He laughed. "Of course I'm okay with it. You're a good guy." 

I nodded and smiled at both of them before getting up and walking to the bedroom. I grabbed my camera and started filming. 

"Hi guys, Aria and I are leaving to go to Paris in about..." I looked down at my phone. "Eight hours and I've decided I'm gunna do a vlog thing... So what Aria doesn't know, is that this isn't just any trip." I looked closed the bedroom door and started talking quietly. "I am going to propose. I know, I know a lot of you are probably saying 'God finally' Or "took you long enough' I just have commitment issues guys stop bullying me. So, I am not only gunna be recording our trip, but I'm gunna be recording the proposal. So grab some popcorn and sit back because this is gunna be crazy." 

I turned off the camera and laughed at myself before putting it in my suitcase and going down the hall into the bathroom where Aria was standing, a towel wrapped around her waist. I smiled and walked up behind her, and put my arms around her waist. I made eye contact with her in the mirror and she smiled at me. 

"Hey." She said quietly. I smiled softly back at her. 

"Hey." I whispered. I leaned down and kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned her head on my chest. The water from her hair soaked into my t-shirt and onto my skin. 

"Two whole weeks." She said quietly. "Two whole weeks without Lydia is gunna be weird is hell." 

"It's gunna be relaxing as hell." I said with a slight laugh. She opened her eyes again and looked up at me. 

"You're amazing by the way." She told me. 

"I know." I joked smirking at her. She laughed quietly. 

"Really." She said. "I mean you are so fucking amazing. You go through so much trouble all the time just to make me happy, you're an amazing father to Lydia, you're so caring and empathetic. God I am just so freaking in love with you." 

I moved away from her slightly and turned her around so she was facing me. I put my arms around her back and pulled her closer to me. I smiled down at her and pushed the hair out of her face before leaning down and kissing her. We both smiled into the kiss. When we pulled away, I leaned my forehead on hers. 

"I'm so freaking in love with you too." I whispered. 

     Aria's pov  

Dan woke me up at around five in the morning. 

"Morning love." He whispered, kissing my forehead. 

"Morning." I said quietly, smiling at him. I stretched my arms and got out of bed. The plane left at 7:30 and the airport was two hours away so we had to hurry. I quickly ran to Dallas's room and woke him up (he was our ride). He hesitated but after a few minutes finally got up and got dressed. I went back to my bedroom and grabbed all of our bags, making sure we had everything and putting them next to the door. Dan and I both grabbed everything else we needed and went to say goodbye to Lydia. She was still sleeping so we woke her up briefly so she knew we were leaving. 

"Hey sweetheart." I said quietly. "We're leaving now. We'll be back in a few weeks okay?" 

She smiled and nodded her head before leaning in and hugging us both. Dan and I both smiled down at her. 

"See you soon babygirl. I love you." Dan said kissing the top of her head. 

"Love you daddy!" She yelled happily. I told her I loved her too and we walked out of the room, watching her go back to sleep before closing the door. 

"And we're off." Dan said quietly. I looked up at him and nodded. We quickly rushed to the door where Dallas was waiting, and grabbed our stuff before leaving the house. 

      During the car ride Dan decided to do some vlogging. 

"Hey internet, so Ari and I are currently on our way to our flight to Paris!" He said to the camera he was holding. "Are you excited?" He pointed the camera at me and I blushed slightly, knowing how awful I looked. 

"Very." I laughed. He smiled at me and turned the camera back to himself. 

"So aside from the fact that I'm going on a trip with my beautiful girlfriend, I've also never been to Paris so this is going to be great." He said smiling. 

"I've actually have never been like anywhere so it should be interesting." I added. Dan laughed and turned off the camera. He put his arm over my shoulder and I leaned my head on his chest and smiled. 

        Dan's pov 

             When we got to the airport it was 7:12 so we rushed to say goodbye to Dallas. 

"I love you, I'll call you when we land okay?" Aria said to Dallas as she hugged him. 

"You better." He said smiling. I walked over and hugged him. 

"Have fun love birds." He teased, patting my back. I smiled at him and we rushed into the airport. 


Everything's Alright (Sequel to "Please Be Okay")Where stories live. Discover now