Chapter 4 - Fake Friends

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Chapter 4.

"Good morning class, I'm Mrs. Bones, your class's form teacher for the rest of the year. I'll be teaching you guys....." said Mrs. Bones, when she was interrupted by Amy's knocks at the door, as she's late for class.

"Miss Amy, late on your first day in your new school huh?" Mrs. Bones shooting that dead glare at Amy.

"Well, never mind! Class, this is your new classmate, do treat her like any normal students please, help her when she needs to ask questions in class and do guide her through the new syllabus. Amy would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs. Bones asked politely and giving her that awkward smile when she suddenly remembers Amy's disability to speak.

Amy shook her head and head over to the empty seat in the corner of the class.

"Well, then have a nice day and enjoy your first day in school!" Mrs. Bones exclaimed in excitement and leaves the class as the next teacher, Mr. Johnson, takes over for Biology lesson.

"Hey, she's in the same class as us! O-M-G! I can't believe this!" said one of the two loyal dogs, Becka, who always tags along behind Gigi's back wherever she goes.

Gigi turns over and stares at Amy as she saw Cody standing by her table introducing himself to her.

As usual, the friendly Cody who loves to make new friends and introduced himself, "Hi! I'm Cody! Hope to make friends with you! Would you like to join me for lunch later?" Cody ask in excitement as he waits for her answer and giving her a big wide smile showing his dimple.

Amy shook her head rejecting Cody's offer and continued to read her book.


Gigi interrupted Cody's conversation with Amy as she walks over to them. "It's ok Cody. Since she's not willing to join us, we'll have lunch together." Gigi smiled at Cody giving him a peck on his cheeks infront of Amy.

Cody sighed as he pulls away the peck from Gigi and got back to his seat, and still staring at Amy.


The school bell filled the entire school and students started running all over outside the hallway.

Gigi sighed in relief. "Thank god, school is finally over for today!"

Suddenly, Gigi thought of a brilliant plan, "I've got a plan!" she said to Becka and Kim the two dogs. And continued whispering to both of them the plan.

Gigi heads over to Amy's desk and asked her politely again, and this time, she persuaded hard, if she is willing to join them for lunch again.

Amy sees the sincerity in the Princess's eyes and just agreed to it as she don't want to get pestered for the rest of the days just because of 'rejecting lunch offer'.

"Great! Let's go!" Gigi pulled Amy's hand and lock her arm to hers, as though Amy was her best friend, and walks off to the canteen.

"Hey, you came!" Cody said happily to Amy as the rest of the girls sat together with the usual hang out boys, Caleb, Dixon and other popular lads from football, in the canteen.

Amy nodded to Cody with a lil smile and started reading her book and drives into her reading wonderland when Cody interrupted her, "OMG you read 'Fault in our Stars' too!?"

Cody and Amy was engrossed in the conversation about that book until Gigi interrupted them, 'Ahem!' and drags Cody out of it, and get their lunch.

"Please give me a cup of latte and some sandwiches thank you!" Cody said to Uncle Ben, the owner of the Snacks & Drinks store which is their favourite store, and who, is also their favourite tender, as he always gives Cody and the others free snacks after their trainings.

"I don't remember you loving to drink latte." Gigi said, standing by the side waiting.

"It's not for me. It's for her." Cody replied with a smile and look towards Amy's direction.

"Here you go, you can't probably go without any food or drinks right?" Cody asked with a sweet smile. "I don't really know what you like, just hope you won't mind. You're already very skinny, don't skip anymore meals!" Cody fake his angry face at Amy and she smiled and nodded as a thank you to him.

Gigi stared blankly at both of them opposite her and was burning on fire, fuming red face can be seen.

"Woah, what hot weather in here. I can almost feel the intensed heat rising. Can you smell the jealousy, Dixon?" Caleb laughed as he saw Gigi's fury red angry face.

"What are you talking about?" Dixon replied with a blur face.

Gigi can't stand the sight of her own boyfriend talking to the new girl, she stood up and stomped back to class with the other two girls chasing behind her back. "Wait up!"


Back in class, Cody exchanged seats with his buddy, Caleb, to sit beside Amy and they were still engrossed in the book conversation. All along Cody is the one asking questions and the noisy one, while Amy just answers by nodding in agreement and shaking her head in disagreement.

Suddenly, Kim shouted, "Ahhhhh! My diamond necklace is missing!"

Everyone was called to put their bags on the table and do a spot check.

"Everyone here is rich and can afford that dumb ring Kim! Why would we want to steal your ring? Unless someone here isn't......." Gigi said loudly staring at Amy. Cody then interrupted her with a dead glare.

When Mrs. Bones came over to Amy's desk, she asked nicely "Anything to surrender Ms. Amy?"

Amy shooked her head and let Mrs. Bones check her bag.

"AMY! See me after school!" Mrs. Bones shouted as she picks out the necklace from a small pocket in her bag.

Amy's eyes widen and her jaw dropped to the ground, so were the rest's. Amy just froze there speechless and pulls back her jaw. She was shocked in why that necklace was in her bag when all along she was not in class. "Unless someone wanted to set me up....." she thought.

"But Mrs. Bones! She was with me all along how is she able to be in class to take Kim's necklace!? I can be her witness!" Cody argued.

Sadly, his argument with Mrs. Bones was of no valid. Amy still have to see her after school.

The class started to get louder and noisier as they kept whispering and gossiping about Amy and the Necklace incident during lesson.


Cody turned to Amy straight away after the bell rings, "Hey! I know you didn't do it. I believe you won't do such things. I'll follow you to Mrs. Bones's office."

"Shall wait for you outside. Just stay calm!" Cody calm Amy before she faces The Gates of Hell - Mrs. Bones's office.

"Wow, first case on your first day huh!?" Mrs. Bones sounded sarcastic.

Amy shaking her head profusely in deny.

"I will have to call up your parents to settle this stealing case." Mrs. Bones said. "For this you'll also have to clean up the entire library!"

Amy went out of the room with face looking down at the ground and making her way to the library, ignoring Cody's presence there.

"Hey! So what's the outcome?! Cleaning the library?!" Cody knew the punishment as everyone gets it for every offence they made.

"Nobody believes in me. Everyone don't listen to what I've got to say. Except this weird guy who follows me everywhere I go." Amy thought to herself as she heads over to the librarian for intructions to start the cleaning.

"I'll help you! Cleaning is fun!" Cody smiled.

"Cody! There you are! I was searching for you high and low! Don't forget the dinner tonight. And you have yet to pick your suit for later! Better be running now! Let's go!" Gigi rushed Cody and pulled him out of the library.

"Great, now I'm left alone to clean this mess." Amy sighed and mumbled under her breathe.

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