Chapter 8 - One Heart, Two Love

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Hi guys! Just wanna apologize for the late update due to exams! I'm happy my story is read by many (: Anyway, from this chapter onwards, I'll just use "I" as "Amy" so it will be her POV story and I think it's better like that (: I'll state when it's Cody's POV.

So this is one long chapter, I hope you'll like it! :*

Chapter 8.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!" The alarm went off. I reluctantly woke up and checked the time, it's already 8:30am and I'm still lazing on my bed unprepared when school starts at like 8am! Oh Monday! Strikes fast like the wind but goes away like a snail.

I brushed my teeth, changed out and slipped my shoes on within minutes and tried to ride to school as fast as I could. I was meters away from school, all of a sudden, my bicycle's chain broke and I feel hard onto the road.

From the top to the bottom, I was hurting like hell and groaning in pain. Hit my head on the road, kinda headache, my elbows bleeding away and the wind was so strong that even when it blows my injury it hurts! My knees covered with blood, dripping down my shin, NOOOOO DON'T DRIP ANY FURTHER! And onto my socks..... Though my feet are covered with shoes, I felt like one of my toe nail is broken.

What a bad morning. Sigh....

I was still looking at the BLOODY mess on me, yeah literally bloody and just as I was about to try to get myself up, someone from behind pulled me up, carried me, and rush me to the office in school for medical help.

I looked up to only see Cody's panicked face and I stood up with the bandages wrapped almost all over my body, and thanked him.

"Wow, pretty....... Late huh?" Cody said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the office.

"Hey! Hey!" Cody shouted from behind running after me, "Your bike is with my chauffeur, I told him to fix it. Here's your school bag loser!"

I snatched the bag off his hand and walked off.

Someone from behind grab me by my shoulders and I thought it was Cody bothering me again, so I turned and hit the hand off my shoulders and show him my pissed off look. I then realised I was not facing Cody but I was facing Mr.Grier, the discipline master of Standford High, I then changed from that puffy, angry face, to a apologetic, sorry puppy face. I greeted and apologized.

"Where do you think you're going? Being late and trying to sneak your way to the classroom huh? Detention class in the Chemistry lab! Do the cleaning!" Mr. Grier said sternly in my face. "You too Cody! Report to my office for the cleaning materials!" He shouted across the foyer as he caught Cody sneaking away.

Class today past really quickly because Cody was distracting me 24/7h in class, doing all the silly faces, throwing me stripes of poems and I got stared by Gigi and gang for like every single time Cody tries to communicate with me. Those stares bring messages like "Don't you ever try to talk to him!" and it shots deep into my head.

Reason why I ignore Cody as much as possible. I just want to get this year over and done with, and staying out of troubles and get into University ASAP.

Troubles like Gigi, I don't want to mess with what's her's. She's a celebrity, model, President of Cheerleading, she can get people to hate me, bully me for the rest of the year in school, anytime she wants! ESPECIALLY THEIR FANDOM! They'll kill me anytime if they know ever finds out I'm the close to Cody. Actually I'm not close to Cody, HE'S THE ONE TRYING TO GET CLOSE TO ME!

#101Reasons to stay away from Cody as much as possible. Unfortunately, life just keeps creating chance for me and him to get closer, example, detention class....

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