Chapter 10

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Yasmin's P.O.V

We all ran upstairs and to Mila's room.

That's when we heard a loud crash inside.

"MILA! OPEN THE DOOR!!" I shouted.

Another loud crash came.

I gasped loudly.

Tears coming out. Mila's really hurt. She DOES NOT deserve this AT ALL!

We keep banging on her door but it still didn't open.


Loud crashing coming inside.

We kept shouting but nothing's happening.

It suddenly became silent.

NOW I'm REALLY worried.

This is all Zion's fault!

I tried nudging the door but it wouldn't open.

Then Jessica tried picking the lock.

Crossing my fingers, hoping it'll work.

It worked!

We immediately burst through the door to see the most horrible and heart breaking thing..

Mila. Cuts.

So much tears pouring out of our eyes.

She dropped the razor and ran out the room.

I started chasing her but she was too fast.

I didn't give up. She's my best friend.

"MILA! STOP!" I shouted.

She just ran faster.

I have no idea where she's running to.

After a few blocks, I gave up and Edwin held me.

Why Mila?

End of POV

I heard Yasmin calling out for me I ran faster.

I know exactly where I'm going.

I ran towards the park and towards the swing set.

It was a place where me and Zion use to always play when we were younger.

When he actually cared...

Running my fingers against the swings while memories started playing in my head.

But one memory played in my head that I'll never forget...

Flashback *6 years ago*

We were 10 years old.

We were playing on the swings.

"I can swing higher than you!" I shouted to Zion.

I saw him grin.

"Ohh really? No you can't! I can swing higher than you!"

He started going higher and higher.

I was trying to catch up.

Until I fell...


Zion stopped swinging and ran to me.

"Oh my god, Camz! Are you ok?!"

I stood up and saw that I scraped my knee.

"Yeah. But my knee really hurts!"

He helped me sit on the swing.

"I'm sorry Camz." He said with tears coming out.

I wiped them.

"Don't worry Zion. It wasn't your fault. I wasn't careful."

He shook his head.

"But I should've stopped you."

I giggled and wiped away his tears.

"Look at me Zion."

He looked at me straight in the eyes.

His brown eyes filled with tears.

"Don't worry. It's not your fault."

I started rubbing my thumb against his cheek.

I saw him blush.

I giggled at his embarrassment.

We looked at each other in the eyes and started leaning in.

And our lips touched.

Zion.. My best friend.. stole my first kiss.

And I stole his.

We pulled back seconds later and blushed.

Was all he could say. His face was so red.

It was adorable!

I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Cute. That was very cute." I told him.
"Wanna go? My knee is really hurting."

He nodded and we left.

No, nothing became awkward.

But I can say this, this is the best day of my life.

My first kiss was with my love, Zion Kuwonu.

End of Flashback

Tears silently making their way out of my eyes.

I sobbed quietly.

I miss you Zion. The old you...

That's when I heard a noise behind me.

"Who's there?"

Another noise.

I'm starting to get really scared.

That's when..........................

Zion's P.O.V


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