Chapter 19

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Mila's P.O.V

Last thing I remember was blacking out.

The next thing I knew, I woke in a dark place.

I couldn't see shit.

Until a light came on.

There stood a man.

He looked really familiar but I just couldn't recognize who he is.

"Hello Camila. You've grown so much the last time I saw you." The stranger said smiling.

I started becoming scared.

"H-How do you know me?"

"Don't be afraid Camila. Your parents and I were really close friends."

I nodded. My parents had great friends but they weren't great parents.

They always leave me alone and abandon me.

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked walking towards him.

"You're in a coma, Camila. You hit your head hard on the ground and lost a lot of blood."

I gasped.

"How long was I out?"

"For a week. Come and follow me. I want to show you something."

It felt like hours.

He started walking into the dark. Being a little scared, but for some reason I trusted him.

I followed.

"Look here." He said.

He pointed at a faded figure. Just then I realized that it's Yasmin crying next to a body with Edwin.

My eyes widened.

"YASMIN!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?!" I yelled.

"There's no use in yelling. She can't hear you."

I felt tears falling down my face.

I turned around and saw Jessica crying on Brandon's chest. And Brandon silently sobbing.

Looking towards the body, I saw a boy crying hysterically. Probably the hardest out of everyone.

He was holding the body's hand.

"I'm sorry Camz! I'm really, truly sorry for doing this to you!! I'm sorry I broke my promises! I'm sorry I called you a jealous bitch. I'm sorry for taking off my necklace! I'm sorry for losing my virginity and breaking our promise! I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me! I'm just so sorry!" The boy yelled and cried even harder.

Wait. Is that..... ZION?!

More tears started pouring out.

"Zion..." I whispered.

He took off his necklace?! He broke our promise in 6th grade when we said to save our virginity until marriage?

I shook my head chuckling.

"I knew you would do this Zion." I said to myself.

But in the inside, I'm dying.

I'm holding back the pain.

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