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Boberi: I have a dare for CIA and a question OK so CIA what happened to make you all focused on work and no play and what is your favorite meme. But before you answer FBI is always better than you!!! And if you don't don't CIA then you will become dead last even worse than Army and navy and they are low

FBI: Thanks, man!

CIA: What??!

FBI: *smirks*

CIA: Quit it.

Navy: What's this about me being dead last???

Army: Deal with it. *frowns* It says both of us.

Navy: I'm better than him though, aren't I?

Army: Sure. Like your ego isn't high enough.

Navy: And what's wrong with that?

Army: *rolls eyes*

Navy: 'scuse you

CIA: Let's not have a fight right now.

Navy: *glares at Army* I'm gonna go find Marine.

CIA: And for the record, I really couldn't care less if you like me or not. I'm pretty used to not being given credit or recognition.

FBI: Just answer their question.

CIA: Why should I?

FBI: Sympathy?

CIA: Why do I need sympathy? I don-

FBI: Just tell them-

CIA: FINE. My fiance died. There. Happy? *leaves*

Army: He was engaged?

FBI: Was.

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