an ° intro

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welcome to another stereotypical, wattpad rant book. and guess what, you're damn right.

this book is a hybrid of a rant, qna, and update book. you ask, why did you name this touché when there's nothing to do with touché?


im just that weird.


if you know me, you'd know that i rant 24/7. just ask sugarcandy211 about me and im sure thats the first thing she'll say. i mean, i probably spend more time ranting than actually engaging in a conversation with other people.

now, you know what im an antisocial freak, drop dead awkward, and incapable of having normal human connections. why are you still reading? because if you are, you deserve an award.

a long long time ago, i used to have a book called dolcé, which is where i basically write dramatic poetry and stories about my life. its pretty crap, thats why i deleted it. essentially, i ran out of things to write about, regained my sanity and realized how bad it was. if you'd call it, then this book is like a sequel to dolcé. i know they are about completely unrelated things, but this is my book and i do what i want ok? (huffs)

so if you're as weird as me, enjoy rants, pointless qna(no one asks me questions), and stupid updates then grab some popcorn, a cup of coffee and read on.

have a lot of fun reading my rants!



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