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i hate rain.

For yall irresponsible children, you should probably leave because you're about to get triggered.

Okay, one thing I hate more than a 45˚C burning sun is rain. I don't understand how people can like rain, it's a massive inconvenience and it turns my mood to absolute shit. When it rains, you have an umbrella, but that only covers your head, the lower half of your body gets soaked no matter what. 

Your socks get wet, your shoes get wet, your ankles get wet, your legs get wet. Hell, you'd be completely soaked if you don't have an umbrella. I get very annoyed when it starts raining like I know, I can't control the weather, but heading out/heading home during rain is just terrible. I know I sound like a snob that can't stand being wet for a little while, but I hate it when my socks and shoes get wet, which I have to walk in them for the entire day.

The people I can't stand the most are those who play in the rain or stand in the rain on purpose. Like, why are you so fucking immature. You're making yourself soaked, not only will you have to wash them, your hair and shower right after, if you're at school YOU'RE MAKING YOUR UNIFORM WET, WHICH YOU HAVE TO WEAR FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. YOUR HAIR WILL BE DRIPPING WHEN YOU HEAD INTO THE CLASSROOM, THEREFORE MAKING YOUR CLEAN SHIRT(if you have a change of clothes)SOAKED AGAIN.

Sorry, I got a bit mad there. You still haven't seen me full on rage about rain. I can talk about this for hours, but for now, we'll need to cut to the chase. If you're being irresponsible and playing/standing in the rain on purpose, I promise you, you will get a cold the next day. I know you're probably a child or teenager, but you've gotta think about your family. If you get sick, you would probably have to go to the doctor, and do you know what that costs? Money. That's right, I know it comes as a surprise to you, but you, living under your parent's roof, are using their money. Dollar bills don't grow on trees, darling. 

Oh, I'm sorry, but why don't you pay attention to your responsibilities, get a fucking job, and earn your own salary THEN you can play in the rain. If you get sick, get to the doctors yourself, pay your own medical bills, take care of yourself. And if you can't do that, don't even fucking think about standing in the rain. Oh, it's so romantic though, says you. I don't give a shit, so you can stay inside and reflect on your terrible life choices.

I'm not a hateful person, but you, acting like a child, stomping in the rain, even if you're a complete stranger, you would be my fucking nemesis.

So don't do it.


I remember when I was a little kid, probably around 4 or 5 years old, I had just gotten a pretty umbrella and when it finally rained, I was already home. I got really upset that I didn't get to use my umbrella, and so my dad bought me outside to stand in the rain. I remember feeling so happy in the rain. To be honest, I don't even know when I started hating rain.

Where ever you are, even if you have free healthcare, don't let your family worry about you when you're sick. For the sake of everyone you love, take care of yourself and stop acting like 4-year-old me.

quote of the day

❝you're a 3-year-old in an adult's body❞

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