every typical story ever pt 2

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When me and Christianity walked back to school, I got to know him better. He likes football(soccer) and he's rich and hot.

"I'm having a party tonight you should come."

I just nervously nodded as I've never been to a party before. After school, me, Emily and the girls headed to my house in the suburbs to get ready for the party.

"Welcome home, daughter that I don't like." I kissed my mom on the cheeks as I headed up to my bedroom.

"Kayla, you are actually like really pretty." Everyone nodded in agreement as I blushed.

"Time for a makeover!!!"

They took my glasses off and I am now beautiful. I can somehow still see without my glasses.

I placed my beautiful, wavy platinuim blonde hair down, and put on some makeup. My friends then chose an outfit that they think will catch Kristian's attention.

My group of friends and I went into my red Ferrari parked in my family's middle class suburbs home garage. When we arrived at the party, it was already at full swing. Yong went on to play Chopin nortune no.18 at the grand piano, and Isabelle went on to talk to another boy. Emily soon abandoned me as well. I was left lost on the dancefloor and I bumped into a masculine chest. When I looked up it was a guy in a leather jacket and sitting on top of a motorcycle in the middle of the dancefloor.

"I hate you."

"Wow, thanks." I sniffed and ran up stairs into the mansion. I soon got lost and walked into countless bedrooms without knowing where I was.

I walked into one of the biggest bedrooms, and saw Allison standing 10 feet away talking to Kristian.

"I can't believe you did this, charisma! I'm breaking up with you although I only met you 3 hours ago!"

"But Allison is my sister!" He pleaded.

"I don't care! I hate you!" I ran out of the room and back on the dance floor with Chas running behind me.

I saw the hot, older, bad boy on the dance floor. He is now shirtless and dancing with several girls. I looked at his abs and kissed him to make Crispy jealous. Bad boy kissed me back and after we broke apart, I glanced over at Cereal and he was upset. I smirked and felt accomplished.

"Kayla although you never told me your name, will you marry me? I am secretly a softie as I love kitties and my parents died." Bad boy asked me.

"Yes! I do." I happily agreed and climbed on the back of his motorcycle. Bad boy started the engine, and ran over several people on the way out. The crowd cheered for us and it is now day time.

Me and bad boy got married near the ocean, and everyone came, including Children since I am still his fake girlfriend.

I chatted with Yong, Isabelle, Andrew, and Emily for a while until bad boy pulled me away.


"It's Kayla."

"Whatever. I need to tell you my darkest secret. I have an obsessive ex and she's here right now."

"Who!" I screamed.

"Her name is Emily."

"That backstabbed!" I cried. I immediately went over to her and slapped her.

"What the hell kayla! I'm your best friend!!"

"Don't act innocent, you were my husband's ex girlfriend!" I ran away and divorced bad boy. I met a hot werewolf and a vampire on my way back home and made out with them too.

The next day,when I went back to school, I had no friends. Carter approached me at my locker.

"Hey babe, lets put on a show for them." We kissed in front of the school crowd. They wowed and I am now the most popular girl. I have finally become the queen of generic high school!

The next few days were the same as Krispy donuts have sent me several expensive gifts and kisses me in front of everyone. I start to have feelings for him and one day, after some convincing by Andrew my gay best friend. I decided to tell him.

"Critics! Tell me you love me!"

"I love you Kayla."

"I don't believe you! You are such a liar! I can't believe you lied to me, you only kiss me because there are people around."

"No I love you Kayla!"

"Prove it." I was stunned when he kissed me and there was no one around. I am finally happy and found my soulmate. Although I barely knew him I married him anyways.

The end

Inspired by @articstars and her "worst story on Wattpad"

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