cover shop qna!

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here are some answers to your burning questions.

q: do you still do covers?

a: yes, but not that frequently nowadays. i am always looking for a good request, and when i finally find one that i think i can work my magic on, i will do it!

q: do you accept requests for unpublished books?

a: yes! i usually choose requests from the ones i think i can do the best on. i dont like to disappoint so instead of accepting requests that i dont think i can do, i wont get your hopes up just to be disappointed by my amateur skills.

q: what editing software do you use? where do you find pictures for your covers?

a: photoshop cc 2015. i know it's not what you expected but no, there isn't a magical program that has pretty layouts and fonts. i download custom fonts and design my covers from scratch. for background and overlays i just search on google, and lastly for graphics i use pintrest to collect aesthetics.

q: can i ask you questions about requests about covers in pm?

a: ask me useful, important questions. i get a lot of pms that goes something like this: "do my cover please please please!!!!!!!" or "i commented on your cover book! do mine pleaseeeeeeeeee"

these questions take up my time reading them, but they dont provide me with context about your cover. as said before, i accept cover requests that i think i can do a good job on, so pitch it to me! tell me about your request to me like a business pitch. summarize your story/mood of the story into a short paragraph.

(btw is it just me that hate the notification when you get a pm?)

q: why dont you write any books? why did you write masked?

a: read "why i dont write books anymore" on this book where i will thoroughly explain why. i wrote masked because it was for a one shot, halloween contest.

q: do you make graphics? anything other than covers?

a: yes. check out my book graphic shop where i make graphics and other stuff. i dont update it often though, sorry :/

q: what if i don't want to share my email?

a: you can pm me your email or just let me pm you the cover. i prefer pm over email anyways.

q: how do i receive my cover?

a: i will pm you a link, where you will find the photo on a photo hosting site. you can download it from there, or just drag the cover from the chapter(in my book) onto your desktop. if you chose email i will directly send you an image. if you're on your phone then just hold down on the photo and press save image.

and finally....

can you do my cover first?

no. sorry i dont pioritize anyone's cover, i just do whatever request i feel fit and i can do.


seriously though, thank you guys for all the votes, and reads. i would never have thought that i would get so many reads on both of my cover books, and im eternally thankful for you all. although i dont even do covers this often anymore, i still love wattpad as a platform to read and share wonderful stories and help talented writers find success.

and hey, who knows, i might just finish a novel one day.



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