Fun Day

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Graysons P.O.V

We get to the movie theater and we get our tickets.

"I missed this place" violet smiles.

I look at her and smile " do the usual?" I arch my right eyebrow

She grabs my arm and jumps up and down excitedly "OH MY GOD yes!" Her smile grows larger.

She looks like a little kid. And it's so so adorable. She drags me to the snack line. I laugh

We get to the front of the line and order. We always use to do this routine. We would share a medium popcorn, she gets snowcaps, I get sour patch kids and we would mix them in a separate popcorn container. Then she would get sprite and I would get Pepsi. We never get anything else.

She also pays for her stuff and I would pay for the popcorn and my stuff.

"So violet, I was thinking. You, me and ethan arcade, tonight?" I smile

"I cant" she says and my smile drops.
"I'm kidding! Of course. Just like old times" We share a smile. Tonight is Monday so this is good. I have time.

She looks behind me "oh my God emmit?" She says in disbelief "hey!" and hugs him. I guess this is the boy...

She finally pulls away. "Gray, this is emmit, emmit, this is my friend grayson" she smiles.

"Wats up" he says. And I just nod and force a smile.

She bends down to match the little girls face that emmit was with.

"And who is this" she says in a baby voice

"This little sister nacy" he says not taking his eyes off of vi.

"Well hi, Nancy, how old are you" she says still in a goofy voice. Violet is always so extra, and I always loved that about her.

Nancy holds up five fingers. "5!! Whoa you are a big girl!!" She says poking Nancy's side's causing her to laugh.

Vi stands up and slides her stray hair behind her ears. Her and emmit jist stare at eachother and I start to feel my skin boil.

"That will be $10" the cashier says snapping violet out if her gaze with emmit.

"Oh...right" she pulls out her wallet and pays.

I grab my stuff and she grabs hers. "I guess I'll text you later" she says

"Oh please" he smirks.  What the fuck is this dude trying to do. "Movie is about to start" i intrude.

"Bye" vi says. We start walking away. Thank god that's over.

"Wait violet!" Are you serious?!

She turns around. "Wanna go out tonight? You won't have to pay"  he looks at me. Does this guy wanna fight or something? My face tightens. Thank god she has to say no cuz me and her already have plans

"Yes I would love to!" She answers...


"Great. 7:00" he says. She nods and me and her continue walking away.

We head into the theater and take our seats. "So...what about the arcade?" I open the door patch kids and look at her.

"OH crap, I'm so sorry...maybe he can tag along...then you can bring Alyssa"  she looks at me. She really does feel bad, I can tell.

I sigh and give her a weak smile. "I guess"

"OH awesome! I'll next emmit"

Yay... can you sense the sarcasm?

I'm not happy emmit will be joining us. At least I'll still be hanging out with vi. And I guess it's a good thing that I can bring alyssa?... do i have to bring Alyssa?

Vi texts him, I text Alyssa and ethan, then the movie starts.

*after movie*

The movie ends and it's 6:00. We head back to her apartment since we are going to meet ethan and now Alyssa and emmit down in the lobby.

Once we get to her apartment I plop down on the couch.

She stops "woah, did you feel That? It felt like an earthquake!"

"What no" I say

She throws her keys on the living room table

"Oh wait, it might've just been your ass plopping down on my couch"  she laughs

"What are you trying to say?" I act offended by her words

"Nothinggggg" we smile. I grab and couch pillow and get up. I start to chase her around with it.

She finally grabs a pillow and acted like it was a gun. "Say hello to my incredibly soft pillow" she says with a Italian accent like in scarface. We start dying from laughter.

She hits me with the pillow, knocking me off my feet. I grab her as I fall so she goes down with me. We fall on the floor and I groan in pain but I still laugh.

She fell on top of me so our faces were very close. Her hands laid on my chest and my hands rest on her hips.

We both stop laughing and just gaze at eachother. I get lost in her beautiful blue eyes. The room is silent and all I'm focusing on is her, and she does the same.

She is so beautiful.

I Changed My Mind  //  Sequel To "You"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant