Runaway (Part 2)

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Violets P.O.V

goodbye james.

I watch as they lower his smaller than normal casket into the ground. I feel like falling to my knees to break down, but I'm being comforted with grays arm around my waist.

I don't know what we are considered right now, but I shouldn't worry about that right at this moment.

We all step forward one by one to drop something in the hole that noe holds my little brother.

My mom drops a family photo from the time we all went to Lego world which was considered James favorite day. We were standing in front of this ginormous dinosaur.

Kevin drops an autograph from Steven Spielberg that he has been waiting to give to him.

Lisa and Sean drop this really cool fossel finding kit, that they've been holding on to for his birthday.

Cameron drops his old sleeping bag that he used when we went camping that one time when he went fishing for the first time and caught a fish.

Vic drops a drawing of them.

Ethan drops a note and 100 facts about dinosaurs. He wouldn't tell me or anyone what the note said.

Gray walks up and takes off his tie then drops it in. James loved that tie.

Gray walks back over to my turn

I slowly walk forward and grip onto the dinosaurs. I bite my lip nervously and hold it over the grave. I let it go and watch it hit the casket. It felt like slow motion.

I walk back to gray and he wipes away my tears that I didn't even realize were falling.

My grandma drops a lab coat that had his name stitched into it.

Janet drops some international candy. James sure did love his candy...

After the ceremony we go back to the funeral home. Gray and e go say goodbye to Sean, lisa, and cam.

"Are you coming over? We have food at the house?" Kevin asks

" im just gonna head on home" I clench my jaw

"Understood" he sighs.

"Kev, how do you think mom is doing?" I cross my arms as he turns around to see mom talking to Lisa and cam as she holds vic. Kev turns back.

"I think the only thing that is getting her through this is the fact that he isn't in pain anymore, we jist all have to be strong...jay wouldn't want us to be upset".

I nod. "Thanks kev" he hugs me then goes over to sean and the twins.

I look around the parking lot and see my grandma sitting on a bench on her phone.

I start my way over to her. "Hey gram" I smile

"Hi violet sweetheart" she smiles as she looks up from her phone.

I sit down next to her. We sit in silence as she goes back onto her phone.

I feel my heart racing.

"Im sorry darling, did you want just trying to book my flight back" she turns off her phone and looks at me.

I turn my body to face her. "When Are you going back to Florida?"

"Tonight...why honey?" She gives me an expression of confusion

"Can i go with you?" I whisper.

Graysons P.O.V

I turn my head and see vi talking to her grandma mary so I go over to them.

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