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Violets P.O.V

I wake up and sit up slowly. I look at him and he still has a smile on his face. His hand is freezing and he is very pale.


Tears fall


I pull my hand away. I squeeze my eyes shut hoping this was all a dream. But it's not...

It's real life, also known as a living nightmare.

I open my eyes and stand up. I try to stay calm. This day was coming sooner or later. I go over to the door and open it to see vic, Kevin and my mom sitting on the bench that sat outside the room.

I close the door behind me. They all stop what they were doing and look at me.

I nod my head and look down when I lose it. I cover my face with my hands. Kev gets up and wraps his arms around me. We just fall apart together.

My mom picks up Victor and joins in the big.

That's it... it's over...august 17th, 12:00 pm, we found out we the light.

He is gone...james is gone.

Graysons P.O.V

E and I were playing video games when e suddenly gets a text from violet.

He looks at it and puts his phone down gently on the table. I sit forward...scared...i know what he us going to say but that doesn't mean I'm ready to hear it.

"Ethan" I say

He turns off the games. "He's gone"

I exhale. It just hit that this is real. He is actually gone forever. I feel my heart crumble.

As a immediate reaction we both get up and get dressed. I felt tears escape my eyes as I got ready.

Soon we left and stopped to get flowers on our way to the house. This day is going to go so slow...

We get to the house and walk inside. It's quiet and we weren't greeted by the boys like usual.

We walk into the kitchen and see Kevin, Victor and Lily sitting at the dinner table. But no violet. Where is she?

We give Lily the flowers and we talk a bit. Everyone is a little distracted and out of it, including ethan and i.

"Ethan, would you mind driving us to the funeral home to fill house papers, we don't feel comfortable driving" Lily asks as she wipes her eyes with the tissue she had in her hand.

E swallows sharply "yeah of course"

"Is there, anything i can do?" I ask

Lily looks at Kevin and nods. She looks back at her hands.

"Gray come with me please?" Lily asks as she stands up.

I nod as I start to follow her into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I asked concerned

"It's violet gray"

My heart breaks more when I hear her name. I take a deep breath.

"She won't talk to any of us... She was quiet all morning, and when we got home...she just went straight upstairs...we don't know what to do" She cries.

I pull her in for a big. "This is so hard, why is he gone" then pulls away.

"Vi, is having such a hard time, she hasn't taking her medicine and she is just not doing well at all" She wipes her eyes.

I Changed My Mind  //  Sequel To "You"Where stories live. Discover now