Fun Day Pt 2

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Graysons P.O.V

"I- I should go get um- yeah" she gets up quickly. She stratches the back if her head and rushes into her room.

What just happened

That was close...but close to what?

I get up and put the couch pillows back on the couch. Then I sat down to text Alyssa to ask if she is ready or not.

She comes back out of her room and her hair is done in a pony tail. She stands in front of me and stretches, revealing her stomach when I notice a belly ring.

"When did you get that?" I point at her stomach.

She lifts up her shirt a little "2 years ago...i needed something new"

What? Her leaving wasn't enough?

I just nod and ignore what I really want to say. I looked at the time 6:45

"We should head down..." I sigh and stand up.

"Yeah, emmit just texted me to let us know that he is on his way"

I roll my eyes mentally, his name just irritates me. I don't trust this guy, especially with my violet.
Did i just say My?

We head down to the lobby and soon after Alyssa joins us. I kissed her on her temple quickly, hoping violet would notice. I don't know why I want to make jealous. I guess it's because...i think I want violet...and always has.

Vi and Aly totally ignored eachother and it is very very awkward for me.

"Is this going to be Fun? Or another trashy place violet picked?" Aly crosses her arms as vi just rolls her eyes and takes a deep breath in.

Ethan finally walks in. THANK GOD.

"Ethan!" I smile. Wow, god is on my side today.

Ethan and violet hugged and ethan just shared a weak smile with aly. He doesnt...exactly like Alyssa, but he tries.

Eventually emmit shows up and him and vi hug. His hands were a little too close to her ass, all I want to do is push him away.

Vi introduced e, and I introduced alyssa. We started headed toward emmits truck, Violet and...him were way in front of us.

"Yo, e, watch out for this guy, he's a douche" I whisper to ethan. He just nods.

We approached his car and I sat in the middle of Alyssa and ethan, which means violet sat up front with emmit. I cringe every time I say his name.

We headed over to the arcade and he played music, other than that the ride was silent. Occasionally, he would put his hand on violets knee and whatever. She would just smile at him. Absolutely disgusted. Violets isn't his, he is just taking advantage of her.

We got to the arcade and as soon as we finished paying emmit dragged violet over to the basketball machine.

"We'll be back" vi shouts as she giggles. I love her laugh.

I look over at Alyssa and she is just looking around in total disgust with her arms crossed. I look around to find ethan, but he is gone. Fuck. Why did he leave me alone.

"So what game do you want to play?" I look at her and smile.

She looks at me shocked "I'm suppose to touch these gross machines?"

"Well yeah..." I say in a duh tone.

"Whatever let's go to that one" she points to the Pac man machine. Me and violets game, I wonder if her high score is still up.

She pulls out her towel and lays in on the seat then sits down. I just shake my head slightly.

I put money in the machine and she uses her pointer fingers to move the controls. I look away and clench my jaw

"I see violet plays this often" She says with an attitude.

I look at the game and violets score is still at the top after 3 years, no one has beat her score and I smirk. My game is galaga, I'm the best at that.

"Why are you smirking"

I drop my smirk and look at her. "Memories" I look up again to see violet laughing with emmit holding a basket ball.

Tonight was just suppose to be me, her and ethan.


I quickly look at alyssa. "What?" I furrow my eyebrows

"Sale at Sephora! I totes forgot!" She gets up quickly and starts walking away.

"Your towel" I say.

"I'm not putting that nasty thing back in my MK, and why aren't you following me?"

"Because I don't want to go..."

"Well fine then. I'll just pay for my own uber" she says annoyed. I watch as she leaves. I take a deep breath and push her stupid towel on the floor.

I rub my face in fustration. "Hey bud!" Ethan comes from behind me with a bunch of tickets in his hands. "Hey" I groan.

"Where's Alyssa" he stands next to me.

"Left" I start playing the game.

"Of course she did..."

I go to look at ethan but stop when I find myself looking at violet and him again. His arms are wrapped around violet, teaching her how to 'properly' throw a basketball. I know she knows how to play, she is amazing at basketball. He probably just wanted an excuse to touch her.

My skin starts to boil again. I see him whisper something in her ear. She turns around, nods, then hugs him.

"HELLLOOOOO" ethan yells

"What?" I click off the game since I lost.

"I said, do you want to play air hockey"

"Uh, yeah sure" I get up and ethan and I go over to the table and start playing. I can't stop thinking about her and emmit. I get the chills. Can he just leave already! He does not deserve her.

I know I seem extra right now...but vi- there's something about her...there always had been. And maybe now I'm just starting to realize that... I love her.

I love Violet Anne Davain, I always have.

[ My school schedule just came out and I'm dying 😩 ]

I Changed My Mind  //  Sequel To "You"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora