Runaway (Part 1)

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Graysons P.O.V

It was 8:55 when we decided to head back to her apartment to get ready. I look over at her and she is resting her head on the window looking out it and smiling slightly.

I smile and look back at the road. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever layed eyes on. I just wish I realized that I was madly in love with her sooner.

We arrive to her apartment building and I park in her usual spot. We get out and start walking in together. Now time for the hard part...

She takes a deep breath. I look over at her and she looks nervous almost scared. I take her hand gently and kiss it.

We go into the elevator, not letting go of eachothers hand and she clicks the button to go to her floor.

"I'm so tired" she says as she throws her head back slightly.

"Well, after today, we come back and you rest"

"Oh my god, that sounds amazingggggg...but I cant"

I furrow my eyebrows "Why not?" I curiously ask as we walk out of the elevator

"I have stuff to take care of"

We approach her door and go inside. "Violet, you can take breaks once in a while"

"And I will...just not yet" she says in a dug tone.

"Then when" I smirk

"Soon" she replys as we walk into her room.

"You are such a pain" I chuckle

"You should've known this by now" she winks.

I shake my head still smiling. This girl does something to me.

"Alright shoo, I have to get ready" she scoots me out

"I'm gonna go to my place to get ready, when I get back ethan will be with me"

"Okay have fun" she says jokingly

I smile and peck her on the cheek. I have no idea what we are as of now...if I did my lip would never leave hers. But let's just keep it on the cheek.

She closes the door. "Take my car!" She yells

"Thanks!" I yell back as I leave her apartment.

I go down to the lobby and decided to text ethan that I'm on my way back. Who knows what he is doing with Vanessa right now.

I bump into someone before I could look up.

"Oh sorry" I look up from my phone. Shit.

"Long time no see grayson..." she evilly smirks

"Alyssa..." I say with no emotion.

"What...are you seeing violet now?!" She crosses her arms and pops her hip to the side.

"Yes, and I have to go" I start walking away from her.

"I can't believe you are actually dating that trash" I hear her say

I stop on my tracks. I turn to face her. I clench my fist trying so hard not to lose it.

"1, violet is perfect, and 2, why are you so miserable? I'm trying to decide if you just hate yourself so much you have to tear everyone down or you just like being a cold-hearted bitch" I snap

She bites the inside of her mouth and stays silent.

"Goodbye alyssa" I obnoxiously smile and walk away.

I get in vi's car and head over to my place. When I get to my place I park on the street and go inside up to e and i's apartment.

"E! I'm Here! Start getting ready!" I yell as I pass by his room

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