
557 31 11

A/N: this chapter gets a tad smutty but it's not terrible and it more implies and doesn't go into detail


I was disappointed Hunk didn't kiss me but I felt guilty for feeling disappointed and felt bad that I was trying to. Hunk is attractive and I would date him in a heartbeat if he asked. But he's my friend, best friend and I still like Keith. So I guess I felt I wasn't aloud to have a "crush" on Hunk but I did. I wondered who Hunk was close to now though. I didn't want to ask though because I had a fear that it was Keith and that would mean that my best friend betrayed me and I couldn't date either of them. After I snuggled with Hunk though I went back to my house. My mother bothered me again about looking down but I tried to reassure her I was fine. I had tried to talk to her about what Keith said she wasn't understanding to say the least. My dad was the one who helped me get help mental health wise when I struggled but he moved away and I only see him once a year now. Mom lets me get medication but that was even a stretch. I guess she's still in denial that I have mental issues.

I try not to dwell on things to long that night and take extra melatonin so I actually go to sleep. That night I have a.... strange, dream to say the least.

Keith was making out with Hunk and I suppose they both happen to be naked. And they may have been doing more than making out. I watched confused and Keith broke away from hunk for a second, "L-Lance come on, join us."

"K-Keith?" I question and he motions me to come over.

I come over and I'm automatically pulled in the middle. My clothes are torn off and I guess one can only imagine what happened.

I woke up though taking deep breaths. I just had a wet dream. Holy fuck.

I automatically wash up and try to forget about it but I can't. The next night I even have the same dream. I try so hard to forget about it again but it just doesn't go away. I need to talk to someone about it but Hunk was in it so I can't talk to him about it and Pidge would badger me about it. I would tell Shiro but his little brother was in it. Well fuck me there is no one I can turn to anymore. But the dream shouldn't mean anything it's just some stupid sexual desires everyone is into weird shit. The next night I had a different dream.

Keith, Hunk, and I sat on the couch leaning on each other. We were doing nothing really but enjoying the company of the other. Hunk made sweets and kissed me and Keith. Keith smiled and laughed at Hunk's and my jokes. Hunk would laugh at Keith and I having silly argument. I was happy and I was content and I loved them both.

Then I woke up. And I wanted to go back to sleep. I realized though what just happened. Fuck. I'm fucking crazy.

"I'm fucking crazy!" I said as Matt picked up the phone.

"What? Lance what the fuck do you want?" Matt groaned.

I heard Shiro in the background, "are you talking to Lance?"

"Is Shiro there?" I groan.

"Yea," Matt said like it was obvious.

"Can you go to a different room I need Shiro not to hear and it has somewhat to do with his annoying brother," I explain.

Matt sighed, "what happened now? And why aren't you calling Hunk?"

"Hunk's apart of it too," i start to panic.

"What!? Did you get that pure boy in drama I swear to god Lance you have no soul if you hurt Hunk," I heard Matt rustle about and supposedly walk out of a room.

"No not exactly I just need to talk."

"Okay well what happened?"

"Well Keith still won't get back with me and I miss him."

"And it's still your fault."

"I know, I'm still convincing my mom and I'm talking to my school counselor, I'm doing my best."

"You're almost there Lance."

I pause but then continue, "Anyways I also kind of sort of got feelings for Hunk too."

"Well shit."

"And tried to kiss him."

"Well fuck."

"I just I like them both very much and like if it came down to it I wouldn't want to choose I'd go with both."

"At the same time?"

I pause, "...yes?"

"God Lance."

"I had dreams too..."

"Wet ones?"

"Well that's the thing, at first they were and I was like just having those dreams and I was like it's just a weird sexual dream that doesn't mean anything. But it was hard to forget. And then I had one where I was just happy and content and we weren't doing anything past cuddling."

"Well Lance, I'd say you are completely and utterly whipped."

"Well thanks I couldn't tell Matt," I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Honestly can you keep a secret though Lance?"


"Keith may be having some of the same issues. That's all I'll say but you didn't hear it from me."


"No! You didn't hear it from me," he chuckles and then continues, "but Lance it's okay to be polyamorous, I've plenty of friends in the lgbt community who are so if you want to pursue something like that I'd say go for it. But I'd take it easy and slow you can't force anyone into it. Also you still need to make things up with Keith... and Hunk."

"What did I do with Hunk?"

"You tried to kiss him Lance. You move way too fast I know you. But with this situation you need to go slow or else people will get uncomfortable."

"Understandable," I sigh, "thanks for helping Matt and thanks for listening."

"No problem Lance," he laughs, "anytime." He's quiet but then gets oddly serious for Matt, "but Lance don't fuck things up."


"No you don't understand you're getting with two lovely people who are super kind and sensitive, you need to take care of the both of them no matter what happens. You need to listen to them and you need to be the best fucking boyfriend in the world."

"I understand Matt and I really will do my best."

"Bye Lance."

"Bye Matt."

He hung up and I sat there with my thoughts again. Time to make a plan on how to go about this.

Combustion: the sequel to flame ||klunk|| (a transgender au) Where stories live. Discover now