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Lance continued to try to text but I didn't know how to respond. Yes I missed Lance but how do I tell him that when I also want Hunk. Instead of responding to Hunk I go to call Hunk but then I get a phone call... from Matt?

I sigh and pick up the phone, "if you're just gonna tease me about what I said yesterday I'm hanging up."

"No, no, I've got something to tell you," he sounded way too excited.

"Yea sure."

"Okay Lance didn't specifically say not to tell so I'm gonna tell you."

"Oh my god it's about him?!"

"No wait, remember yesterday when I said getting all three of you together would be impossible."


"Well I don't think it is anymore. Lance just called me telling me that he wanted to do the same thing."



"He wants to date Lance and Hunk too," I pause," not what I meant but..."

"Yea he wants to with you and Hunk."

"Awe fuck, how do I ask them both out? How do I casually bring this up?"

"I don't know but you should call Lance and marry him because he's really tying his best for you."

"Oh Lance..." I sigh and pause, "I'll do that."

"Good. Now I've gotta go lates."

"Isn't later already short enough?" I groan and hang up.

I then look at my phone and scroll to Lance's contact. I pause hovering over the call button. Screw it. I click it there is no turning back ad the phones rings and almost immediately answers.


"Lance. I'm sorry for leaving you and I miss you."

"Keith, I should be sorry I was being a jerk and I really am trying to get better."

I smile, "I forgive you Lance. You should come over though."

"Right now?"

"Yes right now! I need you," I say desperately.

He does come over immediately and when he comes over we talk about how we can make things better.

But I forget about Hunk.

Mainly because I was enjoy the soft embrace of Lance again.

I kiss him and crawl on top of him. I can already feel his face heat up. I smile at him and bite down at his neck, he gasps and then moans. God I missed this.

I take his shirt off and leave hickeys almost everywhere. I almost give him a blowjob but he denies it saying we need to take it slower after getting back together.

And then I remember Hunk.

"Lance," I say after everything had been silent for a while.

"Yea Keith?" He says smiling as I hold him.

"I um... I need to tell you something," I sigh.

"Okay Keith you can tell me anything."

"Well I... i made out with someone else when we were apart... and I'll just be honest I think I still like him..."

Lance's eyes went wide and I already felt his heart shattering," who?"

"That doesn't matter," I reassure, "but I thought I should tell you because I can't bring myself to lie to you."

Combustion: the sequel to flame ||klunk|| (a transgender au) Where stories live. Discover now