Where Are We Going?

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Her feet stopped running. No matter how much she willed her eyes to look away, and her feet to keep moving, she just stood there, taking in the horrible scene that was before her. Trevor's father was laying on the floor, an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels in his left hand, and a gun in his right. There was blood everywhere, but not all of it was his. Her mother was laying in the corner, obviously dead. There was a bright white light, snapping her out of her trance. All the anger and hate she felt at that moment surged through her veins. She ran to the kitchen, and grabbed a water bottle and a rag. She couldn't think straight. Couldn't breath. She felt her heart pumping liquid rage through her body as she ran past the horror scene, hearing sirens in the distance. She flew up the stairs with inhuman speed and accuracy, jumping 4 stairs at a time as the tears welled in her eyes. She ran to Trevor's room, her orb following, but the last thing on her mind. She felt for his pulse again. Weak, but still there. She wet the cloth with the water, and patted his welted, bruised and bloody cheeks as he regained consciousness. He opened his eyes weakly, searching her face, and looked over her shoulder. His lips moved, but there was no sound to follow. She brought the water bottle to his parched lips. He took in gulps of water, barely catching his breath before drinking the whole bottle. She looked over her shoulder, wondering what he was looking at. Her eyes widened. She saw his purple orb, that was bigger than her green one had been, but her orb had disappeared. There was no little green orb to follow her, but instead, a bright blue orb, a little bigger than Trevor's, hovering above her, as if waiting to go somewhere. He weakly whispers "I guess you've evolved past me even...." She smiles, and lets the tears fall as the police burst in to the house, obviously walking into the horror scene that was engraved into the back of Hannah's eyelids. She closed her eyes as Trevor pulled her in to a weak hug, resting her head on his bare chest as the police busted down the door.

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