Locked In A Cell

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He handcuffed her after their hug, and explained that they have to keep her locked up for a night just for protective reasons. She had been in contact with that gang, and the police felt it was necessary to keep her in a cell for the night, safe and under a watchful eye. She heard her father whisper to her as he pushed a box into her hands.

"I love you my sweet Hannah. Happy birthday darling."

Her handcuffs were taken off in the small dark cell she was lead into, and she heard the door close behind her. As she looked down at the small wrapped box, she unfolded and read the slip of paper taped to the top.

My dear Hannah,

I knew this day would be coming eventually. Just know that you are the best daughter a man could ever ask for. I can't even begin to explain how strong you are... you don't know your own strength sweetie, and I hope you will never need this gift, but I know you will need it at some point. Also, I know you were always doubted as a small child about your orb, but as you read this, I will be walking by. Look up at me, and know that I could always see it. It feels good to see how strong you have become, and I hope you are proud of your father as well.

As Hannah looked up at her father, he was waking by just as he said he would. He glanced over at her, and flashed a dopey smile as a large red orb followed him. Her jaw dropped. She was awestruck. His orb was almost twice the size of her blue one, and almost looked like a small sun following behind him. She looked back down to the box in her hand. She undid the wrapping, tossing it aside in the small cell, and pulling out a small brown block. She looked at it with confusion, and looked back into the box, finding 12 small sticks, a grey rectangle, and another note on the bottom. All the note said was Give these to your orb! She held the wooden box out to her orb, and was surprised to watch it come closer to her hand, soon engulfing her whole hand in a warm, almost liquid feeling as she felt the small wooden block expand in her hand, and watching it grow out of her orb as she held it, realizing that it was a bow. Her father had always tried to get her into archery as a small child, and she was a natural. She loved archery, but had to quit due to her family deteriorating. Her orb flew away as her bow finished growing in her hand. She looked closer to the smooth dark wood surface, and noticed gold engravings, with the most prominent being her name etched in the side in a beautiful cursive calligraphy. She held out 11 of the 12 sticks, which grew into arrows, and the grey box, which grew into a beautiful silver quiver with matching gold engravings. She began to cry, realizing her father must have made it. She slung the bow and quiver over her shoulder, enjoying the feel of having a bow again, and sat in the dark corner, prepared to wait the night out on the hard bed. She laid down, and closed her eyes, but soon heard a commotion in the hallway and Trevor's familiar voice yelling

"Where is she!?"

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