We're Going To Jail, Aren't We?

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Everything was a blur for Hannah. She remembered weakly fighting as she was pulled away from Trevor, who had fallen unconscious again as he was carted into an ambulance. She remembered being placed into a police car, and only noticed the handcuffs that were on her when she tried to wipe a tear from her eye. The police woman in the front seat tried to explain that she was a main witness, and would be interrogated despite it obviously being a suicide. She sat in the back seat, staring at her orb out the window, watching the blue flame-like wisps whip around, fighting the wind as it kept pace with the car. When they got to the police station, she was hauled out of the car by her wrists. She could barely stand as she realized who had grabbed her.

"Dad..?" She asked weakly. Of course no reply, although she noticed a singular tear fight its way out of his dark brown eyes. He hauled her in like he would any common criminal, right past the desks chalked full of papers and the other officers with their criminals that they seemed to flaunt around like prizes. Like fight dogs brought to a kill or be killed show. As she continued being dragged along by her handcuffs, the only thing she could think about was Trevor. Where was he? Was he okay? She swallowed her feelings as she was sat down in the interrogation room, obviously facing one way glass. Her father stood in front of her, placing his hands on the small desk that had definitely seen its share of interrogations gone wrong. There were blood stains in seemingly random places, and small chunks had been either carved or broken out of the once smooth wood. His eyes met hers. Although her father was never home, she knew he was a good man. His eyes were puffy, he had obviously been sleep deprived for years. He looked her in the eyes, and quickly grabbed his gun. He whirled around and shot a small box on the wall. He turned back to her, and explained that they couldn't hear their conversation anymore.

"Hannah, it's time I explain some things to you."

She sat patiently, focusing on his every movement as he took a few labored breaths, and began.

"You've always known your mother was a druggie, haven't you sweetie? Well, I didn't want you to know, but her and I have been divorced for 11 years. I became fed up with her obsession. I joined the police force, and made it my goal to find her and the gang she was apart of."

Hannah's eyes widened. A gang!?  He must be joking, but he continued, seeing her shock and confusion.

"Yes Hannah, she became apart of a gang. The same gang Trevor's father was in. They are a ruthless gang of murderers, drug addicts, and sexual offenders. They took advantage of women like your mother. I stayed late every night trying to find them. To break up their gang. To get your mother back. And every night, when I would get home late, I would always sneak into your bedroom and place a single rose on your night stand. I'm sorry I was never there for you, Hannah, but you must understand that I was just trying to help!"

She tried to move her hands, and he undid her handcuffs. She wiped her teary eyes as he handed her a single ruby red rose. She always wondered where those roses came from. She got up, hugging him as tight as she could as she whispered to him.

"Thank you dad...."

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