In a New World

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Hannah felt her feet sink into a familiar grassy surface. A sweet smell tickled her nose as she inhaled a breath of fresh, warm air. As she opened her eyes, still hand in hand with Trevor, she took in a beautiful sight. Right in front of her eyes there was a beautiful landscape filled with new and exciting creatures, and picture perfect greenery. She looked to Trevor, confused on what exactly to do, and noticed that he was focusing behind her. She turned to see a giant wolf of sorts, standing at least 4 feet tall on all fours, and slightly glowing blue, with piercing blue eyes. It sat on it's haunches, staring with a cool calmness at Hannah. Somehow, it was calming, and as Hannah was about to take a step towards the wolf, Trevor screeched behind her. She whipped around to see an owl with a purple hue and huge purple eyes perched on Trevor's unsuspecting shoulder. He stared at it in his peripheral vision, looking scared and confused. The owl was at least a foot tall, and looking down on Trevor, leaned down to his ear, seeming to wait... WHISPER? Trevor's face said it all as his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. Hannah heard a sweet woman's voice behind her.

"Oh Hannah dear, you must be so confused."

The wolf brushed its tail around Hannah's wait as it walked in front of her. She took another look up at Trevor, and saw him talking to the owl, who was making small hoots that Trevor seemed astounded by.

"Hannah dearie, pay attention to me love! I'm trying to explain this whole situation but you're making this VERY difficult with your gawking! HANNAH! "

She looked the talking wolf in the eyes and listened. 

"This is the other world Hannah. I am what you called your 'Orb'. My name is Huntress, and I'm your loyal companion and guide."

Huntress bowed her head, haunches in the air, and continued.

"Hannah, in this world, everything you once knew is different. You and Trevor are no longer humans. There is no such thing as a human in this world. You and Trevor are elves. Now onto me. Nobody can hear what I say to you. All they hear are growls, barks and short howls. Wolf noises. They, however can hear what you say to me unless you focus, and use the first ability we have as companion and master.  Telepathy. Focus on me, focus on the feeling of a different conscious in the back of your head. Feel it?"

Hannah nodded as she heard a small voice in the back of her head.

"There you go Hannah.... you have it! Say something to me!"

Hannah focused, and said a simple hello. It felt as if this second being took over her whole mind. Expanding to fill every crevice, every thought, every emotion. She heard huntress speaking, and it felt so real although she knew it was all in her head.

"Good Hannah. Now we can get in touch with almost every thought we each have unless we try to hide it. I can feel your emotions, as you can feel mine. Also, if one of us gets hurt, the other can feel a dulled down pain in the same places. We are two separate beings physically, but one mentally."

Hannah was finding it easier and easier to talk to Huntress, and as she opened her eyes, found Trevor concentration at a pebble, brow knit as the purple owl perched on his shoulder.

"Trevor, did you get in touch with your owl?"

He nodded.

"Her name is Lou. What about your wolf over there?"


There was a pause as Hannah took a deep breath of the fresh air, cooling as the bright sky began to darken into a burning red at the horizon, then deep royal purple. The four of them gathered firewood, and huntress began teaching Hannah another 'lesson' about the other world.

"Hannah, it's time you learn one of the most useful tools, and potential weapons, of this world. Magic. The way you use magic is simple, and I see you already have a magical bow. Quite nice of your father, those glyphs are VERY advanced poison, therefore extremely strong. Magic is based on the three simple glyphs, and two advanced, but you are not fit to learn those yet. The three simple ones are the Fire glyph, which is a circle at the beginning stage. The second, and my personal favorite, is ice. It's a perfect 5 sided star love, fairly simple. The third, the kind of glyphs your bow has, is poison. That's a simple X! All you have to do is focus on the air right in front of you, and draw the glyph with your sight. There will be a slight surge of magic, and you will be able to start a small flame, freeze, or poison whatever, or whomever you choose. Try to light a small flame in the fire pit."

Hannah traced a small circle in the air with her eyes, and to her surprise, right where she imagined, a small flame hovered. She pushed it with the same mental strength she found connecting to Huntress, and it floated neatly into the fire pit, causing a small warm fire. She looked to Trevor, waiting to see his approval, and hoped to get a congratulations, but instead saw him drawing a circle with small flames coming out. A huge spout of fire flew towards the fire pit, igniting every stick in a glorious, warm orange blaze, and illuminating Trevor's face, with a huge grin.

"Good job Trevor! That was advanced, wasn't it?"

She got a nod from Trevor, and him and Lou laid down on their brush beds. Huntress' ears flattened, and she mumbled a low growl, before laying down far away from Trevor. He had been quiet and reserved since they got there, and the only sign of any emotion other than cold quiet anger was the grin that lit up his face as he successfully burnt almost all of the firewood they collected. It sent a small chill down Hannah's back. Ever since they got into this world, he had been different. This wasn't the Trevor she knew and loved. 

Writer's Note

Oh my gosh guys! I'm sorry for being so inactive, I was getting a new computer! Now that I have it, expect MUCH more frequent posting! If you've read this far, you're about to be ~~rewarded~~ because let me just say, this story is about to HEAT. UP! Anyways, hope you guys are enjoying so far! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger for so long, won't happen again! See you in the next episode!


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