Getting Out Of This Cell

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There they were, sitting on the cold floor. Hannah felt a tear slowly slide down her cheek as she and Trevor parted from their intense kiss, staring into each others eyes. Trevor began to pull away, but Hannah pulled him against her in a tight hug. She felt his arms wrap around her body, making her feel small and loved. She closed her eyes, enjoying the light glow of their orbs intermingling as they embraced.

Hannah woke up on the cold floor, Trevor shaking her awake, whispering

"Hannah! Wake up!!"

She opened her eyes, and looked over at Trevor, an ominous figure looming over him, with an intense red light shining behind him. She began to stumble over her words

"Dad..? What are you-"

"No time to explain sweetheart, we have to go. I'm busting you two out of here."

Hannah felt her sleepy eyes widen in surprise. Wouldn't that get her dad in serious trouble, if not fired!?  She stumbled to her feet, Trevor already gathering her stuff, thrusting it into her arms, and following  her father as he began to explain where they were going.

"So, you two know the VERY minimum of the power you possess. The orbs change as your power does, starting small and green, moving to purple, then blue, and finally the rarest, red. These orbs, they're a measure of your spirit and the power that resides within you. The only thing is, you cannot use that power in this dimension. Therefore, I'm going to take you to the dimension f magic."

The words her father had said were spinning in her mind. Different dimension? Power? Power residing within ME?  She could barely keep her feet moving as she stumbled through the dark jail into the cool night, catching a glimpse at Trevor, his beat up face and stitches glistening in the moonlight. They ran through the field, the full moon lighting their path through the tall grass. After what seemed like an eternity, but could only have been a few minutes of running, they got to a small pond, with a stream flowing through it. The water seemed to glow a light blue, and when Hannah's dad dipped his fingers into the water, his orb sank into the pond, illuminating it with a light red glow. He motioned for you and Trevor to do the same, and your combined purple and blue orb made the water glow a light violet/pink. A bead of sweat dripped down your fathers forehead as his brow furrowed out of concentration, and he grabbed a fistful of water, pulling it up out of the pond. Instead of the water dripping and flowing as expected, the water glided and followed your fathers hand, leaving a solid looking pillar of water as he etched a doorway midair. When he finished the doorway and let the pillar touch the pond again. A thin stream of water trickled down the middle, illuminating the inside with a light pink. Your father looked int your eyes, tears welling in his eyes, and sweat dripping down his forehead. He kissed her cheek, and hugged her tight, whispering

"My sweetheart, I love you so much, but I can't come with you. I don't know if you'll ever see me again, but when you go through this portal, find Ellenwind. She'll explain everything. And Hannah my dear? Don't trust ANYONE but her sweetheart."

He nudged Hannah towards the portal, and she grabbed Trevor's hand, trembling. Hannah took one last look at her father, and he gave a weak smile as police cars roll up behind him. She feel tears well in her eyes as the two walked blindly into the pink light.

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