Chapter 2

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"And then... Pounce!" The white tom shot forward into the air, his claws outstretched and ready to pin his target. When he hit the ground, he dug his claws into the mouse. It let out a startled shriek before it went limp. "See?" He purred, turning to his audience.

Two tom's sat a few fox lengths away, watching him. "Wow!" The small cream colored tom's eyes were round with interest, while the bigger yellow and cream tom looked unphased. "That was awesome, Icepaw!"

His tail flicked with irritation, though he was mildly amused as well. "It's Iceslide!" He reminded the tom. "I became a warrior moons ago, remember?"

"So?" The cream tom blinked.

"So my name changes!" Iceslide huffed. "I explained all of that!"

The tom shrugged and lifted a hind leg to scratch behind the blue collar around his neck. "Yeah, well, I think it's stupid," He grunted. "My name has always been Truffle. I'm not just going to let someone start calling me Trufflebutt one day."

The bigger tom let out an amused purr. "Trufflebutt."

Truffle spun to face his companion, fur bristling. "Shut up, Sulfur!" He sprang at the yellow tom, and the two broke into a play fight, pawing and yowling at each other.

Iceslide rolled his eyes. He'd known these two for many moons. Truffle was a kittypet, but he rarely saw him in twolegplace. The tom enjoyed adventure almost as much as Iceslide did, taking every chance to explore the territory beyond his yard. He'd met Truffle one day on the outskirts of RiverClan territory. The kittypet was no coward. He'd attacked Iceslide and knocked him right off his paws. However, he hadn't had a clue what to do next. Truffle had been aggressive and rude at first, but the more Iceslide got to know him, the more he liked the kittypet's spunk. Then there was Sulfur, a rogue Truffle had introduced him to. The tom was very independent, and more intelligent than Truffle. He could fight and hunt very well. Iceslide thought he could make a good warrior if he didn't like being alone so much.

"Give in?" Sulfur's meow broke Iceslide out of his thoughts, and he blinked to see the yellow and cream tom had Truffle pinned into the grass, his paws planted firmly on his shoulders.

The kittypet struggled under him, paws flailing. "Get off me, you hefty brute!" He spat in annoyance. Sulfur stepped back, his yellow eyes gleaming with amusement. Truffle scrambled to his paws, shaking scraps of grass from his pelt. Iceslide chuckled to himself, padding toward his friends.

Truffle glanced at him. "I wish I could fight like you and Sulfur," He grumbled. "I'm no match for even a kitten! I can't even hunt for myself, I have to rely on my housefolk."

"I can show you." Iceslide offered eagerly. "You could be my apprentice!"

The cream tom blinked. "Really?"

"Of course!" Iceslide straightened, lifting his chin high and imagining he were Shimmerstar. "From this day forward, until you earn your warrior name-"

Truffle exchanged a look with Sulfur. "What's he meowing about?"

"-You shall be known as Trufflepaw!"

"No!" The kittypet gasped, his yellow eyes lighting with anger. "I'm Truffle!"

Iceslide leaned forward, his whiskers twitching with amusement. "Trufflepaw!" He corrected. "Until you earn your warrior name, Trufflebutt!" The tom let out a horrified wail. Iceslide and Sulfur broke into laughter.

Sulfur nudged the kittypet. "Shouldn't you be back with your twolegs before sundown, Trufflepaw?" At the mention of the time, Iceslide became aware of the sun setting behind them. I should get back to camp. I've been here since sunhigh! 

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