Chapter 15

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A thin layer of snow covered the ground. Iceslide shivered as the cold night air brushed his pelt. He scraped at the hard ground and dug a small hole, dropping a freshly caught mouse in and covering it with dirt and snow. He looked up at the moon. I still have time... But I'd like to catch a bit more before I go.

A day had passed since he'd saved Poisoned Sap from the dog in twolegplace. She had introduced him to her brother, a cat unlike any other he'd met, Bone Shred. The powerful looking cat was leader of a large group of cats who lived in an abandoned twoleg nest on the outskirts of twolegplace. But these cats were ill and starving. The sight of it had saddened Iceslide, and he had offered to catch prey for the group.

I have to hunt more than I used to in the clan. Iceslide thought. Between them and these twolegplace cats, I've really got my paws full. He began to wonder if he'd been wise to take on the task of hunting for them. I'm only one cat, and about thirty of them. I can't possibly catch enough prey for them all! But I suppose I can do my best. At least they won't all starve.

He sniffed at the air, but the snow made it difficult to pick up a strong scent. Most prey won't like being out in the snow anyway. Catching fish had been an option, but the river would be cold as ice in this weather. And he would be sure to catch a cold if he trekked all the way to twolegplace with soaked paws. I'll just have to make do with voles and mice.

He spotted movement by the roots of a beech tree and flashed his attention to it. A black squirrel was sniffing and leaping among the roots. 

Iceslide hesitated. RiverClan cats don't climb trees... But maybe I can catch it before it decides to. He crouched and slowly moved forward, careful where he put his paws. The snow was soft and powdery, unlikely to crunch and give him away. As he neared the squirrel, it gave a nervous scuttle toward the other side of the root, seeming to sense him, but it didn't flee.

After a moment of hesitation, he pounced, and half a moment later, the squirrel started up the tree. But Iceslide quickly stretched up his claws and fastened them into its bushy tail. The squirrel let out a startled squeak as it was dragged down from the tree, and he sank his teeth into its neck. The rodent squealed before going limp. 

Maybe a second round of training with Frozenripple did me some good after all. Iceslide thought reluctantly. I was a lousy hunter before.

He picked up the squirrel and carried it back to where he'd been burying the fresh kill. He decided that he'd caught enough for the night. Four mice and a squirrel. If I risk staying out any longer, I'll never make it to twolegplace and back before my clanmates awake.

Iceslide dug up the rest of the prey, carefully picking them up by their tails. Ugh, I didn't think about how I'd have to carry it... He made sure he was gripping all the tails firmly in his teeth before starting toward twolegplace. At least some cats won't go hungry tonight.


By the time Iceslide reached the abandoned twoleg nest, he was freezing and exhausted, and his teeth were sore from carrying the prey all this way. The squirrel was especially heavy, and the bushy fur in his mouth was making him feel sick. 

He padded up the cracked steps of the nest and hesitated. If he went right in, he might be attacked. It was the middle of the night, and they might think him a stranger. He lifted a paw and scratched at the wood of the doorframe. 

After a few moments, A black tom stuck his head out, his amber eyes narrowed. "What do you want? Go away!"

Iceslide was about to drop the prey and explain himself when another cat hurried to the tom's side. "No, Shadow Snarl!" The she-cat snapped at him. "This is Iceslide, remember?" She turned to him and purred a greeting. "Come on in."

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