IX. Useless(Editing)

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The Hunters of Artemis


Chapter Nine

The moon goddess glanced towards the young man who was in a critical condition. His jet black hair was tangled into knots and ambushed with leaves, cuts covered his entire body but were clearly needed to be cared for, and his clothes ripped out from different directions, yet he looked handsome in an indescribable way.

"When will he wake up?" She asked her younger brother as he checked the Son of Posiedon's pulse.

"I don't know but time will tell." He said shrugging and turning his attention fully towards his sister and fiddling with the collar of his shirt."Why did you bring him in anyways little sis?" He asked licking his lips nervously.

With her sick, cold and experienced eyes, Artemis shot him a warning look.

"Posiedon wouldn't be happy if his son was in a crucial condition and in the middle of a forest filled with monsters now wouldn't he?" Her scowl went deeper somehow, eyebrows knitted together as she ran a hand through her auburn messy locks."And I'm not younger than you. We are twins."

"Gods sis, you need to chill and learn how to play around alright? It's not like you're going to break your vow or something." He asked putting his hands up in the air surrendering towards her.

"And you need to learn not mess with girls hearts!" She pointed out jabbing her pointing finger on his face."This is why you can never have a relationship with someone more than a month."

"That really hurt my feelings, oh 'Miss Moon goddess'!" He exclaimed working on the demigod's bandaged wounds.

"Just stick with healing, we don't need more demigods popping up in camp. Especially men." She muttered as his smirk still appeared on his face, his blue eyes swinging with a hint of humor. "Well at least I have children unlike someone over here." He said biting the inside of his cheek from laughing and waiting for her reaction.

"I have a vow to keep! She sneered not bothering to glance at her stupid brother as she cleaned her bloody dagger, from hunting, with a rag making her look dangerously beautiful.

"You know this is a huge problem right?" He asked changing the subject, quickly finding himself in deep thought.

"What? You being a complete idiot?" She asked not paying attention, really. He ran a hand through his buzz cut platinum-blonde hair. His blue eyes shifted relentlessly towards his sister, taking out a needle and steadily moving his fingers.

"No, Artemis. What are you going to do with him? Father said he has to be your um...guardian," he said stitching a deep wound that covered Percy's forearm where the SPQR tattoos was printed.

"I haven't thought of-"

Percy moaned twisting around, "Annabeth..." he muttered and the goddess grimaced as she saw drool spilling out, for some reason she felt oddly attracted to that.

Just like Orion....

She shook her head and knocking the voices away, including the vast memories of him.

Apollo muttered some words summoning Ambrosia to his hand and shoving it to Percy's mouth harshly.

"Maybe you should keep him around...to..uh like help around and stuff...." Apollo suggested scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Like a slave you mean?" She rolled her eyes at his suggestion but she had to admit it was a good idea.

"More like an extra helper, but if you put it in that way..." he huffed heavily," I have to go to Japan for a date at Hong Kong!" He explained finishing up and gathering his stuff.

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